streaming What are you watching rn?

Timestamp to this woman talking, she was pretty damn funny here, gotta hand it to her

My biggest takeaway from the doc is that I was surprised to see how big the domestic violence numbers were against men. I know one guy that was stabbed in the head with a screwdiver. I personally dated someone for years that was really abusive, it's lucky for me that I am so tall at 6'4" because she was a blackbelt that fought in karate tournaments like some cobra kai shit. it was a challenge to defend myself sometimes. one time I got so desperate i had to scare her into thinking i was gonna punch her just to get her to stop hitting me. never would have hit her though i am not a fighter like that, its not my nature. it'd have to be something life threatening to get me to engage in any sort of brutality. Clearly domestic violence is a lot worse if your partner is bigger than you!! I would have been SOL. But i was surprised at how big the numbers were for men.

I've also met more than half a dozen men IRL that have been raped ( by a man ) and when i say that some people have the inclination to point out that it's still a man doing the violence but thats totally not the point.

There was also this crazy ass story in the doc about a woman that raped a 16 year old boy, went to prison for raping him, and then when she got out of prison she sued him for child support and won!! What a world. For sure the court systems are brutal in cases involving kids, and women get custody like 90% of the time. my best friend went through an ugly divorce with a kid and man did they put him through the ringer. She would just make up lies like 'he lets our 2 year old play with his gun' and then my friend wouldn't be able to work anymore!!!! cause of that accusation and he needed his gun for work. and then when it's proven that it wasn't true and she was lying, zero penality for her purjury!! and she would just lie again and again so many different times and accusations she had the whole state wrapped around her finger it was insane for me as a bystander to witness and the ungodly amount of money it costs him to fight the accusations in court and of course she got custody, like it was even a possibility for it to go any other way.

No doubt divorces are shit and messy all around. im sure there's some bad stories on the other side of the aisle but this one was that i had to witness firsthand.

Anyway I didn't mean to go into a rant if anyone even read that lol just wanted to link it for this womans funny speech.
After a long wait, it finally arrived, the Weird Al biopic.

I watched it, and this movie is hilarious, I mean Office Space hilarious. Literally one of the funniest comedy movies I've ever seen. I won't spoil anything here, since it's brand new, but the approach they took was brilliant. I'm literally going to end up watching this thing at least 3 more times while I work this week.

I finally finished watching House of the Dragon, It was good overall, but a noticeably inferior product to GOT. There were several areas where it kept up, but it felt like every character was significantly less interesting than every character in GOT. Matt Smith did well, and the actress from Bates motel did a very good job playing the queen.
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That's a lovely theory but 90% of child sex offenders know their attacker and more than half are family members.

But I'm all in for 2nd breakfast!

Yeah that is true, although I was quoting the video when I said that thing about child predators and it was in the context of them walking home from school. like they're not gonna be kidnapped. but yeah leaving them with a abberant family member is still a bad possibility.

I watched WEIRD as well, it was funny but think it needed like 30-50% more jokes to take it to the next level.
The jokes it did have were really funny just needed more of them. It was good but not amazing to me.
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Yeah that is true, although I was quoting the video when I said that thing about child predators and it was in the context of them walking home from school. like they're not gonna be kidnapped. but yeah leaving them with a abberant family member is still a bad possibility.

I watched WEIRD as well, it was funny but think it needed like 30-50% more jokes to take it to the next level.
The jokes it did have were really funny just needed more of them. It was good but not amazing to me.
There were some fantastically executed moments in there, but what really kept me laughing throughout was the shameless lying about every single facet of his career. I don't want to spoil anything for people that haven't seen it yet, but they have challenged the limitations of the phrase "loosely based on" This movie was so astoundingly, intentionally, egregiously inaccurate that it became a solid running joke throughout the film.

It was like watching a biography of Thomas Jefferson where he built his own schoolhouse so he could learn to read, fought off communists with a machine gun turret as they tried to steal the constitution from a secret chamber under the Washington monument, and then eventually invented the cell phone by accident while he was ghost writing "The Shining" for Steven King.

It was a really interesting idea, and I'm likely to use it in the future. Misinformation always annoys me, but these people found a way to make it fun.

I'm not ignoring your feminism topic really, It would just require a lot of writing to reply to all of that in a nuanced way. In short, the section you marked in the video where the woman was talking lines up exactly with my thinking about all these ideologies. They are religions, in thin disguise, which is in turn just tribalism with symbols and mythologies.

I'll note a statistical dissonance that can be applied to most of these movements. You get on facebook, and everyone says they care about everyone else all the time. Everyone is a hero, saving faceless multitudes with repeated slogans with innumerable sneering references to being on the right side of history. Hypocrisy on every side is blatant, but here's your common thread.

Researchers from a college in southern California once did a study on sociopathy. The basic concept they were investigating could be summed up as "are sociopaths like cockroaches? For every one you see there's 500 inside the walls that you can't see"

So they went down to the commuter freeway outside Los Angeles, and the research team parked a car along side of the road. One of them got out and laid face down on the pavement off the side of the road, but clearly visible to drivers. Another took some fake blood and splashed them a bit, making sure it looked pretty bad. Then they left the vehicle and the fake injured person and observed with a video camera from a distance.

They said over 3000 cars passed by, including at least one police car, before a person pulled over, got out, and tried to help the apparently injured man. I don't mean to be a dick, but hey facebook people, that's who you really are behind the mask. Casually ignoring broken lives while hitting the like button on a post about a celebrity who was oppressed because they only got 100k to show up to work for a week, when another celebrity got 130k. Take off that cape and go actually help someone. If you want to be a hero, that's great, I think in this world you can throw a rock and hit someone who could really use a friend. You don't need an organization, or a philosophy, or even money to do it. You just need to be honest with yourself. If you help someone and nobody sees it, you're a hero. If you're asking what's the point if no one knows I'm a hero, your motives are not pure.
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There were some fantastically executed moments in there, but what really kept me laughing throughout was the shameless lying about every single facet of his career. I don't want to spoil anything for people that haven't seen it yet, but they have challenged the limitations of the phrase "loosely based on" This movie was so astoundingly, intentionally, egregiously inaccurate that it became a solid running joke throughout the film.

It was like watching a biography of Thomas Jefferson where he built his own schoolhouse so he could learn to read, fought off communists with a machine gun turret as they tried to steal the constitution from a secret chamber under the Washington monument, and then eventually invented the cell phone by accident while he was ghost writing "The Shining" for Steven King.

It was a really interesting idea, and I'm likely to use it in the future. Misinformation always annoys me, but these people found a way to make it fun.

I'm not ignoring your feminism topic really, It would just require a lot of writing to reply to all of that in a nuanced way. In short, the section you marked in the video where the woman was talking lines up exactly with my thinking about all these ideologies. They are religions, in thin disguise, which is in turn just tribalism with symbols and mythologies.

I'll note a statistical dissonance that can be applied to most of these movements. You get on facebook, and everyone says they care about everyone else all the time. Everyone is a hero, saving faceless multitudes with repeated slogans with innumerable sneering references to being on the right side of history. Hypocrisy on every side is blatant, but here's your common thread.

Researchers from a college in southern California once did a study on sociopathy. The basic concept they were investigating could be summed up as "are sociopaths like cockroaches? For every one you see there's 500 inside the walls that you can't see"

So they went down to the commuter freeway outside Los Angeles, and the research team parked a car along side of the road. One of them got out and laid face down on the pavement off the side of the road, but clearly visible to drivers. Another took some fake blood and splashed them a bit, making sure it looked pretty bad. Then they left the vehicle and the fake injured person and observed with a video camera from a distance.

They said over 3000 cars passed by, including at least one police car, before a person pulled over, got out, and tried to help the apparently injured man. I don't mean to be a dick, but hey facebook people, that's who you really are behind the mask. Casually ignoring broken lives while hitting the like button on a post about a celebrity who was oppressed because they only got 100k to show up to work for a week, when another celebrity got 130k. Take off that cape and go actually help someone. If you want to be a hero, that's great, I think in this world you can throw a rock and hit someone who could really use a friend. You don't need an organization, or a philosophy, or even money to do it. You just need to be honest with yourself. If you help someone and nobody sees it, you're a hero. If you're asking what's the point if no one knows I'm a hero, your motives are not pure.

not sure the term misinformation applies to a parody film

love that scene so much i uploaded to my youtube channel five years ago!

The "polka party" was one of the funniest scenes I've watched in a long time.
The comedic timing timing in the movie was spot on, I felt like the whole crew that made it was perfectly in sync. I loved that line at the beginning, "your father and I have decided it would be best if you stop being who you are and doing the things you love".

Wow look at Japan's fertility rate, i didn't know any of this stuff but in 1945 japense women got the right to vote
Could't find the exact date on when they entered the workforce but according to this doc it's coorellated with the plummetting fertility rate.

Doc shows this woman that would rather dote on her dogs, and a guy that would rather buy shitty $2000 jackets to get drunk in lol
Nobody wants kids or marriage, I can't really blame them, I wouldn't advise any young men in our country to have kids either..

Most marriages end in divorce and then the kids go to the women so you fall in love with this child and revolve your world around them and then you just become a visitor to them, it's a terrible situation to put yourself in. or even worse something tragic happens and they die and it ruins your whole life, there is just so much chance of shit going sideways if you have kids and there's tons of other stuff to spend your time and money on. I know kids works out well for some people and they love them and wouldn't change a thing, but tell that to eric clapton ya know

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theres also tons and tons of shutins, i guess you would call them japanese incels
Wow the mom in that japanese doc

I really thought it would be better to kill my son and die myself.
I had raised a person who was of no use to the world and I was really devistated about that.

Here's something i've been saying .. the western way of life is all about isolation

Family bonds were strained with post war modernization.
Mass housing was built for western style nuculear families and the traditional multi-generational ties [in japan] were broken.
Now the houses are home for thousands of lonely, disconnected people. 1/3 of homes are used as single occupancy.

that idea that a couple would get married and have a ROOMMATE or still live with your parents, while you're married, its regarded is some sort of travesty or failure, oh no you cant have ppl around you, you've gotta ISOLATE!! thats the goal.

Looks like something is really wrong with japanese modern culture as much as american.
I'm having a little youtube tour around the world.
Over in South Korea people are working 14 hour days, like 70 to 90 hour weeks for their version of amazon

people are dropping dead its so bad. apparently they work the most hours out of any 1st world country
judging by this video im not so sure that north korea is any worse off for living conditions.. they eat now in north korea.

IDK if they are working 14 hour days like robots until they die .. it's so unnatural

Women in Japan also have been freer to work outside the home since 1945 (can you think of anything else that happened then?) BUT they still have virtually ALL responsibility for raising the children and maintaining the home. Gee, maybe THAT is why women there don't want to have more kids?

Also, men who are "lucky" enough to get a "good" professional job in an economy that's had slow growth and fewer jobs with benefits are expected to work insane hours, leaving them little time to help with a family even if they want to. Combine that with the societal emphasis on men as the bread winners, even when women are equally competent, and you have low birth rates.
On the road to become a Redpild Sfoster? I started watching Karen Straughan and Migtow philosophy in 2013... Its interesting how other people experience the world.

It's crazy to me how feminists and mens rights activists are separated into two different groups, i think ALL humans have rights and needs that should be considered. The world is a big and complex place with a lot of issues. it's not one or the other. its human beings.

I watched Red Pill bc of this clip from bill

Women in Japan also have been freer to work outside the home since 1945 (can you think of anything else that happened then?) BUT they still have virtually ALL responsibility for raising the children and maintaining the home. Gee, maybe THAT is why women there don't want to have more kids?

Also, men who are "lucky" enough to get a "good" professional job in an economy that's had slow growth and fewer jobs with benefits are expected to work insane hours, leaving them little time to help with a family even if they want to. Combine that with the societal emphasis on men as the bread winners, even when women are equally competent, and you have low birth rates.

Just to be perfectly clear!! The stuff I was saying about Japanese birth rates and female work force wasn't my personal opinion, i was summarizing the documentary. Don't want any confusion there.

And it wasn't just the women, it was men and women, none of them want kids, and men are just living in their bedroom at their moms house for 20 years completely shut-in. It seems really dysfunctional over there for a lot of people.

What youre saying about how women still have all the responsibility was not mentioned in the doc and I don't know much about life in japan which is why i was watching the doc to begin with. It sounds like a valid point to me on top of all the other reasons.
This article is from 2019 but it seems to still apply today

This is the key quote (in my opinion):

"The percentage of women who work in Japan is higher than ever, yet cultural norms have not caught up: Japanese wives and mothers are still typically expected to bear the brunt of the housework, child care and help for their aging relatives, a factor that stymies many of their careers.

Fed up with the double standard, Japanese women are increasingly opting out of marriage altogether, focusing on their work and newfound freedoms, but also alarming politicians preoccupied with trying to reverse Japan’s declining population."

And also this from the same article:

"Close to 70 percent of women ages 15 to 64 now have jobs — a record. But their careers are often held back by a relentless tide of domestic burdens, like filling out the meticulous daily logs required by their children’s day-care centers, preparing the intricate meals often expected of Japanese women, supervising and signing off on homework from school and afterschool tutoring sessions, or hanging rounds of laundry — because few households have electric dryers.

While some men say they want to pitch in more and the government has urged businesses to reform the crushing work culture, employees are still expected to devote most of their waking hours to the company, making it difficult for many husbands to participate much on the home front."
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Sounds like they're working two jobs. I wouldn't want that either!!
Kids can be such a burden, that guy in South Korea working 14 hour days, literally coworkers dropping dead from exhaustion, and he's like yeah its hard but i do it to support my kids, looking at this pic of his kids. like damn the whole country is exorting him into being a slave so that his kids don't starve? jesus. and he made $180/day and got CHARGED for any packages delivered after 9pm
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Oh yikes this is bad - Samsung makes up 20% of south koreas GDP... holy shit.
So they were doing shit like not paying for safety precautions to save money and therefore poisoning their employees and giving them cancer
and it took almost 12 years to even get an apology they have so much power.

The salaries and benefits there are DOUBLE that of other businesses and you are looked at as a failure if you don't get into samsung or 2 of the other 3 huge companies in south korea. they study for their samsung job application like the american SATs and they call it the samsung public exam.

They refer to these 3 companies Chaebol (wealth group), which make up a huge portion of the countries GDP and are each run by a single family.
They say democracy there has been replaced by corporatocracy.

Same shit happening in america is happening all over the world but even worse in these other places.
And if you don't work at samsung? you're doing backbreaking labor delivering packages for 14 hours a day man

south korea looks like a terrible place to live

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Israel - completely outrageous.

This woman works THREE jobs AND raises the kids.. so her husband can spend his whole life studying their bible.
My Oh my. A whole subset of the population that is one giant lifelong bible camp.

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I'm a huge Martin McDonagh fan & will definitely see The Banshees of Inisherin as soon as it hits our theater.

Loved seeing his plays and his movies are just as good.