The story behind the name.

I always had a runny nose as a child. The runny nose eventually went away but the nickname my mother and father gave me stuck forever. Hence the name goober or gooberman, goob, or a combination of my first name Gabriel and my nickname- gooberel.

That's Goobed up! :lol:
When I was a young boy I would read the World Book Encyclopedia (1981 edition) at night. This hobby, while not seemingly very interesting or hip, did wonders for my high school Quiz Bowl team's success.

I liked looking at maps and charts of places I had never been. When I came to the article on Saskatchewan, the map was curious because it was full of cities in the southern half but contained only one city in the northern half, just south of the northern border. This city was called Uranium City.

My simultaneous interest in atomic energy sparked by reading about protests at the Rockwell International Rocky Flats Nuclear plant daily in Denver's Rocky Mountain News caused me to look up Uranium City, where I learned it was a bustling town of about 2,000 that could only be reached by airplane and whose major economic interest lay in the mining of uranium. I wondered what life would be like in a town as remote as that and dreamed of visiting there someday.

Enter the internet, many years later, where I learned that the World Book article would be drastically changed just a year later as the mines all closed in 1982 leaving only dozens of hard core citizens. I wondered what it must look and businesses for a population of 2,000 where only a few dozen live.

I started a music micro-label called Uranium City Records circa 2002 and traded tapes and CD-Rs the world over, and met many former residents of Uranium City who stumbled upon my website while searching for town records.

Through the magic of You Tube I've been able to catch glimpses of my most favorite unvisited place. Of special interest are those videos captured by firefighters who were battling blazes in Northern Saskatchewan a couple of years ago and camped at Uranium City.
wheatgrinder studios was a fake business names I used to get a free subscription to RECORDING magazine.

I was filling out the PAPER application and needed a biz name. I had just returned from my mom-in-laws house to fix her broken "wheat grinder" and just used that. That was over 15 years ago.

Its cool though, cause its "earthy" with a heavy metal me..
Modern Day Myth Productions came from what I have always written, modern day mythology with the supernatural, science fiction, and fantasy stories with a lot of research into world mythology.

That's why my latest work even has a re-image of Artemis, Goddess Of The Hunt.
I've had the avatar name spinner since joining up on this site. I didn't know what would sound good and was listening to the radio when The Spinners started playing.

For my little production company, I was working out a proposal to request a grant for a documentary I was working on and needed a name. At the time my friend Jim was supposed to be helping me out with the production. So I used Kay - short for Karyn, and Jim and came up with Cage 'Em Productions.

-- spinner :cool:
When I started putting cheap camera lousy clips up, i would make the credits longer than the subject as a joke. I would use "Legendary Randy Ericksen Films" because they and I weren't. (still aren't?) In the small niche of Adventure races that I film I now am known as "legendary Randy" and all people have to do is Google it and find me. I guess I am stuck,
Ok, what was everyone's first ever username/screenname/email? Story or not?

Mine was when I was circa 10 years old, it was an AOL name: xXJedi86Xx

I can't believe I remember that...
Ok, what was everyone's first ever username/screenname/email? Story or not?

Mine was when I was circa 10 years old, it was an AOL name: xXJedi86Xx

I can't believe I remember that...

I'm feeling old. When I was 10 that movie was in post production. I think my first email account was at work, one of those first initial/last name Netscape deals. Email at work was great!

"Did you get my email?"

When did you send it?"

"5 minutes ago."

What was in it?

"I can't tell you, you have to read it."


Another 5 minutes goes my desk reading the email. The email says:

"When are you going on break?"
Last edited:
My first email account was 'hiltonanything[@]' when I was about 7 or 8.

Long story short: I still use it.

I'm pretty young but that's still pretty vintage...
Ok, what was everyone's first ever username/screenname/email? Story or not?

Mine was when I was circa 10 years old, it was an AOL name: xXJedi86Xx

I can't believe I remember that...

My first screenname was Pesto-named originally after one of the "Goodfeathers" on the Animaniacs Cartoon (what a great cartoon that was)found out later it was named after a Spagetti Sauce lol.

First email? 'seagull@hotmail .com'

Circa 97-98 :)-I was 25 years old :) a

And yes I gave my age away *gasp!* lol
The abbreviation there to the left expands to "Red Headed Stepchild." I go back and forth on the merit/value of that as a film brand moniker. I do know that I missed my opportunity to register it as a domain several years ago when the idea first came to me. At the time it wasn't registered, and now it is. Let that be a lesson to all the kiddies out there. Even if you are undecided, snag it anyway or possibly regret it later. :D

As far as "first" email address. Wow. Don't remember that one, some permutation of my name at <whatever the Univ of OK domain was in the early 90s>.
As I said in my intro thread, there are 2 of us in my group. I am the one who started it.
My old friend used to call me UncleKornicob, because my last name is similar. (Except the Uncle :)) So, I guess it just stuck, although, if I were to start over, I would most likely pick another name.
Mobius/Quark pictures

I had a music studio under the Inc. Mobius INC

Then years later I worked on an ill fated adventure game engine called quark

Moving into a third business of DCP and film, I simply combined the names, as they were two that I liked and got me around conflicts with "mobius pictures" and "quark pictures" which already existed.

For Zensteve, I named my old half hour show on vuze "Zen Gamer" because I thought it sounded cool. That was 3 years ago. So in case it seemed odd that we start talking and then I pop up with an episode of Zen Gamer, it's just coincidental.

My partners company is called Cohencidence productions, becuase his name is Cohen, thought that was a pretty cool company name
The McDay is from a nicname given to me by a friend. We were in PE/ Gym one day and he turns to me and says "George McF***ingDay", naturally after that I fell in love with the name.

Mansel Productions comes from the name of the park me and my friends used to play football/soccer.
mines actually came about when I was a wee little boy. I had a friend who brought his xbox over to my house, and It was my first time ever even touching one. He popped in Counter Strike, the super old one. To play he said I had to make something up like a screen name. So I made mine ABCJON. He said that was lame, so out of humor I changed it to DEFJON. And it worked.. I thought I was so original.

Then a few years later I discovered DEFJAM. And then I realized I seemed like I was playing off of that...

Then a few years after that, I learned about DEFCON, and I cursed myself again.

I normally just use JonLam now for my usernames...

But that's my life story.