Hi, Wheatgrinder. I saw your questions in the Music Requirements thread about extremely low budget mixing. I was saddened by AudioExpert's rather unimpressive and somewhat condescending response to you. Yes, what he is saying is technically accurate, but not helpful or "inventive," as you rather accurately described it, in the slightest.
I mix in a bedroom on $150 speakers. I've been told BY PROFESSIONALS that my work SOUNDS PROFESSIONAL. Now, sounding professional and actually BEING professional are completely different. What I'm saying is, I am very good at hiding it, so to speak.
I'm in the process of cooking up a post that should be more encouraging and helpful to extremely low budget film makers, as I am one myself. I won't be able to post it soon, but by tonight's end I should have it posted somewhere here whether in the Music Requirements thread or a new thread specifically for zero budget film makers.