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  • Hello Scoopicman!,
    I finally finished my 8 minute Horror / Thriller short film THE BOX. It really means a lot to me. and since you've reviewed my first short films some years ago, i am really interested to know your opinion about this one, i would really appreciate it if you watch it and tell me what you think! thank you for your time and everything else!
    Here is the thread where i posted the video
    Mike, needed to do three. If you can E-mail me at I will tell you the whole story behind this proposition. Can not do it on these boards. Thanks for quick comment and view.
    Hey Mike, got a few minutes? Just put this up. Video is under 3 minutes. Fast and to the point. Copy is a quick read too. How would you have done it differently? Trying to figure a way to get it viral... Been E-mailing since sunrise. Got a looooong list to work from. Just scratched the surface. Hope I am not wasting my time. Love to hear your thoughts and advice. Share with Sheila if she has the time, (we discussed Kickstarter last year when Daniel and I were out there for your indie get together) E-mail me at Thanks. Feel free to share with others. I am not a know it all. Open to suggestions all the time. Two steps forward and one step back is still progress.
    More comments ... Will be putting up a new Kickstarter Project in five days (with a huge market & hopefully gigantic funding, fingers are crossed) -- that could probably use some of your suggestions and/or comments. More later...
    Let me know if you will ever make it to Columbus, Ohio? Horrible place.
    There is chance I may be in Las Vegas this fall -- If I am, I will need to go out an get a beer or two! Will call in advance. Give your wife and kids a hug. Great family.

    Us, in a nut shell... After Jill and I got back from the Dominican Republic (see picture -- I tan and lost weight) we were there for a while... my son decided to save us money, he quit Ohio University (@ 12,000.00 a semester) for Columbus State University (@ 110.00 a credit hour per semester). He is looking at a 3.7... Wife and I are celebrating number 32 years of marraige -- next week. Damn I am getting OLD!
    Missed your get together... looked like a blast! Take care...
    Hey, stranger... been awhile since I said hello. I have been staying very busy. Check this... and did this with a four day turn around Part One -- Part Two -- Part Three and Part Four

    They are not perfect -- speed was the goal!
    hey Scoopicman!, you see a couple of days ago i made my first action short film "INFECTION" , and since your critics have been really useful to me in my previous videos, i am really interested to know your opinion about this one, i would really appreciate it if you watch it and tell me what you think about it, thank you for your time and everything else! :)
    Here is the thread where i posted the video
    Sweet. Will do. I go back to tafe this week, so I'll need something to take my mind of things lol. They sound like they were so much fun to make :D
    I received your dvds today. Thanks so much! I can't wait to watch them, but I can't decide which one to go with first lol. It was also an awesome surprise to find two different movies in there :D
    Thanks again, you're the bomb <3

    p.s. After I've watched them I'll be all up in the imdb page >.<
    Thanks so much for your help on Jeff's "Secret Santa 2010" video. :cool:

    You like the beach composite? Made that from your still pic. :lol:

    Have a wonderful Christmas & fantastic New Year, Scoops & family :)
    lol, not getting involved in that sci-fi thread any more.

    I do have a lot of thoughts/opinions about it, but it's very difficult to quantify.

    In general, though - we do need more sci-fi/fantasy... and you are an exception to the rule. It really is difficult to convince people to go in on lo-budget sc-fi productions. :(

    Btw, how's that Screamin' Demon coming along?
    Must... make... movies... umpf!

    Merry Christmas, and kick some ass in 2010!
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