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watch Antihero Trailer

Posted the rough cut, quite some time ago, and got some great critique on things I should change. I didn't feel any sense of urgency to make the changes, until the movie would be screening somewhere. Anyway, I've...

- added some clips to highlight other people, to show that this movie isn't just two dudes.
- found a way to cut out all the four-letter-words ("shitzky-bitzky" isn't a curse-word, is it?).
- placed some narration over a stealing-stuff montage that originally had no dialogue.

Thanks, a bunch, to those whom offered their critiques.

Yes, this is better than the first raw-cut trailer, Joseph.

And best of all, this one even has YOUR character in it.

Nicely done!

Looking fantastic-as soon as my finances (and real life) are in some semblance of order, definitely ordering a copy! :D

Well done CF!
Thanks, kiddos!

You have a link to the old trailer still active? Wouldn't mind comparing.

I deleted it, but don't mind putting it back up, for comparison's sake. They're extremely similar, but I do think the changes made are definitely meaningful improvements, so I'm glad to have gotten the feedback (one of the most influential of which came from you, by the way).

PW: indietalk

I'm going to check out some local festivals, see if there's anything you would be interested in submitting to.

Hells yeah! I've already submitted to (and been rejected by) two festivals in London. If you know of any smaller regional ones that might've passed by me on WAB, I would love to have the opportunity to get this movie screened on the other side of the pond!

And best of all, this one even has YOUR character in it.

Methinks you're referring to Jhoanna? That's pretty cool that you can point her out, based on a two-second clip!


Yes, yes. And thanks. I'm targeting Saginaw Valley; I'm just waiting for them to begin accepting submissions. I see that their lineup tends to be quite impressive, and I'm not so sure of the odds of a little movie like this getting in. But I shall try! :)
Very nice, C-Funk, very nice. Keep us in the loop when it's ready for market. I definitely want a copy, sir.