The Unofficial Song of the Day Thread

First time I heard this song, it was a from a friend, who just said "you have to listen to this!"

Techno meets Banjo-a rather unique sound!
Ernest, that's my favorite recording of one of my all-time favorite standards. Excellent choice.

Here's mine for the day:
LOVE Neil Young! Nice choice, Joseph!

Now for something completely different:

The Tiger Lillies


WARNING! Not Safe For Work


Not Safe if you are offended by blasphemy, sacrilege and heresy mixed with raunch.

You've been warned!
I like the T.I. version as well, but this is a really nice cover of 'Whatever You Like' by some singer called Anya Marina. She might be more famous on the other side of the pond, but this is the only song of her's that I know...

Heard this in one of the various podcasts I had playing in the background today. The end was a bit weak, but it's still interesting.

Never heard of these guys before, nor do I know the backstory to the track.

Lots of catching up to do. Great stuff though! @Cracker - Interesting beats for sure. Only person I've heard of from that track though is MIA.

Breeders made want to honor 1993, but I'll post this instead:

Hidden Track from the Pennywise album "Full Circle." Part of this piece can also be heard at the beginning of their song "Unknown Road." That'd be 1993 btw. :)

Simple theme, but haunts me still.
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@Dready I think I listened to those pieces for a couple hours straight, yesterday! Really lovely tracks.

How about a little Irish drinking and rabble-rousing song up in here?
Good one, Paper; I love that song. Jon Lord was one of my favorite keyboard players.

Here's a real favorite band of mine; kind of obscure, but an extremely loyal fan base. Most of their albums are concept albums, so "songs" are really excerpts. This excerpt doesn't really kick in until about 1:30 and has been covered by several Metal bands.
As i missed yesterday, I'm throwing caution to the wind and posting a second.

I just need a Cracker to go with this Funk. C'mon CF, approve the funk.
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Nice. I think Kimbra must've come across a ball o' tits from outter space.

How about some classic soul to get the day started right?