The Dark Knight Rises

So this has been announced as the title for Batman 3.

Does anyone else think that this is a bad name? Batman Begins worked because it immediately made it clear that this was an origins story. The Dark Knight worked because it established itself as a film in it's own right (rather than just being called Batman 2 or Batman Returns). But 'The Dark Knight Rises' makes it seem like it's a direct sequel to The Dark Knight, rather than another piece in the Batman franchise. I also think that it will immediately draw comparisons to 'The Dark Knight' and means that the film will always be judge in the shadow of it's predecessor. I would have wanted to get the film as far away from 'The Dark Knight' as possible, especially given the sacred and iconic way that Heath Ledger's performance is viewed by some people.

Personally I think that 'The Caped Crusader' would have been a much better name, but perhaps they though that after 'The Dark Knight' this might seem a bit too whimsical.

But, then again, what's in a name?
Not a big fan of the way it rolls off the tongue, but marketing wise they probably wanted everyone to think Dark Knight since it did so well.

Then again, who am I to question Christopher Nolan's approach to a movie haha. He's one of my top 3 directors for sure.
The interesting thing is that this is to be the last movie of the trilogy. In other words there will be no Batman 4 from what I have read.
I dont like the sound of it either. But as long as the movie is good...

By the way you know what they've named the third Transformers movie? Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

EDIT: Hey CF, Avatar 2 and 3 confirmed. Tentatively Dec 2014 and 2015.
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It's not going to be the Riddler or Mr. Freeze, my guess is because the last time those villains were portrayed they did not go over so well. Anyone else thinking Penguin?

I hate the name, it makes no sense. He's already risen... he rose in the last film... Why not call it something with more power behind the name? Keep it The Dark Knight, but ditch the Rises and put in something useful.
I hate the name, it makes no sense. He's already risen... he rose in the last film... Why not call it something with more power behind the name? Keep it The Dark Knight, but ditch the Rises and put in something useful.

I agree on that. We all ready had Batman Begins and Dark Night. Do we really need a Rises for a title. Seems he already rose twice. Lets just hope the movie is good. It will be hard to follow Dark Night since it was so amazing. I thought Begins was great but Dark Night really blew that away. They probably should have called Dark Night something else too like "The Joker" for a title of the movie.
EDIT: Hey CF, Avatar 2 and 3 confirmed. Tentatively Dec 2014 and 2015.


I haven't been online in three days. How did you know I'd be reading this thread. You know me too well. Except, of course I already knew that. A long time ago. Nevertheless, I appreciate you lookin out. Cheers, and thanks!

Oh, and I agree, "The Dark Knight Rises" sucks for a title. I guess name recognition matters, or whatever, but c'mon, you'd have to be living under a rock to miss the hype for the next Batman movie.
Paul is right, be it a "Sequel" or not, it was a "Blockbuster", and therefore to whichever uncreative soul neglected his duties, they where always going to remain with the winning formula...
This sounds like the beginning of a PORKY'S movie. I think THE DARK KNIGHT: ASCENSION would be better. Kinda rhymes with INCEPTION. :D
It's not going to be the Riddler or Mr. Freeze, my guess is because the last time those villains were portrayed they did not go over so well. Anyone else thinking Penguin?

Yer, my guess would be the penguin. I've heard, very stretched, rumours that Philip Seymour Hoffman was in talks to play the Penguin. That. Would. Be. Awesome.

And whilst yes, it is a direct sequel to The Dark Knight, it'a also the third (and potentially final) part in CHris Nolan's Batman trilogy, so the title should match the first part as well as the second, surely?
The Dark Knight hasn't technically risen yet I guess, the last movie ended with him taking the fall for Harvey Dent so the city could have it's "White Knight". This one is probably focusing on him still doing the right thing while the rest of the city thinks he's a criminal.

I actually hope they do a riddler, as twisted as the last few villains have been the Riddler could be pretty good. Or a female villain now that his love interest is out of the picture?
they should just go with BATMAN. simple. straightforward.

Now that you mention it, that would look a hell of a lot like the logical progression.

Batman Begins - 'You know the legend, here's how it started'
The Dark Knight- 'Batman faces the moral test of his life- does he become dark, or does he become a White Knight?'
Batman- 'The legend emerges'

This would work particularly well if (as I suspect) this is Nolan's last film in the series and would make it a nice and round little trilogy.

I actually hope they do a riddler, as twisted as the last few villains have been the Riddler could be pretty good. Or a female villain now that his love interest is out of the picture?

I'm afraid that the Riddler has already been ruled out. I would suspect that we'll see the return of Two-Face and then someone like the Penguin or Bane.

That said, all my knowledge of the Batman universe comes from having played Arkham Asylum.
Cat woman ftw! :D As long as they don't cast Halle Berry.

Also, I agree, that title is terrible. When I told Scott about it he made a face like his mother makes when she hears a dirty joke.