Super Summer Contest Stage One!

With one maybe two exceptions, I'm clueless as to who wrote what.

Ya'll please don't be offended when these get totally re-written into Phase 2 screenplays.

When is that (moving) deadline?
September 1st?
Three weeks, eh?

Better start thinking up some screenplays.
We can turn in more than one of those, too, right?
I have posted a concept and It had a couple of number 1 or 2...
I never made a short (apart of the short I wrote and directed in a workshop held by the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF THEATRE & FILM ARTS ( NATFA) )


For 15 years now I watch at least 3 films a day (I regularly have full on film marathons until I drop asleep)
I watch all sorts of films from around the world and I know a good movie or a good concept.

The stories/concepts posted so far are weak (probably including mine). It's not easy to create a story that relates to others in unique way.

That's why, I guess, not so many people voted...:(


I think after stage two we'll all have a better understanding on the stories and their potential. When's teh deadline for Stage two, 9/1?
LOL its all good. We all know Europeans do everything backwards :lol:

I'm actually planning on doing mine this weekend. We'll see what happens.
I'm adapting one but for the interest of impartiality I won't reveal which.

The more people adapting the better. Also feel free to adapt as many as you like!
Why did you call it The Joy? Because of the sex scenes? :)

Mine is:
Pickpocket :)

Oh, cool. Maybe I'll adapt that one!

So, in the version I wrote, this pair of space aliens are on Earth, gathering information for a future invasion/annihilation. But they don't work all the time. They do get time off from their job, and they often use that time to explore the joys of life on Earth. They sample different foods, pull off time-tested juvenile pranks, and basically act like kids, experiencing a new world for the first time. It is their discovery of sex that convinces them that they shouldn't be annihilating Earth, but integrating with it (in my version, there's nothing visually graphic, just lots of innuendo).
A quick question: Why do you think aliens never had sex before?
They have to come to Earth to find out what sex is?!
A quick question: Why do you think aliens never had sex before?
They have to come to Earth to find out what sex is?!

Because I talked to one, once. They make Puritans look like party-animals. Total prudes, those space aliens!

It should be noted, also, that they communicate with each other through their shoes, their military salute closely resembles a turkey's gobble, and they've been known to put tampons up their nostrils to stop runny-noses. In other words, those rascally space-aliens are not to be taken seriously. :)
A quick question: Why do you think aliens never had sex before?
Because advance civilizations capable of interstellar travel have advanced insurance companies that do not issue policies covering risky activities such as in vitro reproduction when there are perfectly good ex vitro options vetted over centuries of experience.

Sex is for primitive life forms.

Recreational activity sensations are discharged upon the social, legal and financial particulars of the party or parties wishing to engage in such.

However, when in Rome...
Because I talked to one, once. They make Puritans look like party-animals. Total prudes, those space aliens!

It should be noted, also, that they communicate with each other through their shoes, their military salute closely resembles a turkey's gobble, and they've been known to put tampons up their nostrils to stop runny-noses. In other words, those rascally space-aliens are not to be taken seriously. :)

Because advance civilizations capable of interstellar travel have advanced insurance companies that do not issue policies covering risky activities such as in vitro reproduction when there are perfectly good ex vitro options vetted over centuries of experience.

Sex is for primitive life forms.

Recreational activity sensations are discharged upon the social, legal and financial particulars of the party or parties wishing to engage in such.

However, when in Rome...

Case closed.
My problem with most of the stories is that the majority is cliche

Ok, but the one you voted for is probably the most cliched of the entire lot :huh:

I like the story and the writing, it's very good, but If I was asked what the single most overwhelming cliche in the entire media world was, I would say "Military guys or FBI agents pointing guns at each other"

Crackers has been done before, they all have, but there's only about 5 movies like "Joy" and about 20,000 movies of "swat team",(sci fi swat teams included)

I did think it had an interesting twist, but I'm so crazy burnt out on military type costume dramas, I immediately flip channels any time I see a swat uniform, army camo, or black suit white shirt black tie.

There is just too much of that already, an episode of 24 makes me want to knock myself unconscious, And Stargate has just been 10 years of camo uniforms+woods+running. (awful show)

Not to rant here, but the problem with all this stuff is that army and police personnel all act exactly the same, making it difficult to take an interest in any particular character. I could swap out a character from one cop or military show to another and never notice the difference. Maybe people that follow all the rules are just too predictable to me.

The Shield and dexter were the only noticeable exceptions in recent history, but then neither of them used standard costumes. They saw the value in making their characters more distinct than a uniform would allow.

I'm not voting, but if I had to order the stories by least cliche (not quality), I'd say

1 Actors call back

2 Those 3 stories that are all the same

3 Deep Blue

Anyway, this post was about cliches in film, and not intended to insult the writer of that particular piece.

Example of a very non cliche work of writing: The West Wing, Fight Club, The Matrix, Scott Pilgrim, Donnie Darko
Not in the least bit to argue with Nate's point, but rather to augment it, I think clichés get a bad rap.

Specifically, "Who" gives clichés a bad rap?
Answer: Only viewers old enough to have seen the same sh!t over and over and done to death over again.

Consider that every summer there's a new crop of "kids" graduating from high school, most are starting their first full time jobs, have disposable income + few financial obligations and have the whole summer ahead of them before MAYBE starting college or whatever.
They don't know sh!t from shat.

Both studios and indies can shovel cliché fare before them by the truckload and these kids will be none the wiser. They'll gobble that rubbish up like dogs on vomit.
I bet the average 17 to 24 year old sees probably at least one (partial) movie a week. It may not be in theaters, but likely is, although decreasingly so. It's increasingly four to six months later and on streaming demand.
Some weeks may be skipped, while others are twofers.
Lettuce be nice and call it only 50 films per year.

How many years of watching 50 films across a handful of genres until the kids go "Heyyyyy... ! Waitaminit... ! This is a knock off of X-in-a-boat! And last year I saw X-in-a-car! And the year before that it was X-on-a-train!"
And guess what queuing up at the studio for $100M? X-on-a-spaceship with Nouveau Will Smith 2.0!

After a decade of watching Rubber: Retread 1 - 4 will they become the miserable jaded pricks we are today.

In the meanwhile... everyone back at the studio and distributor makes bank.


There is a market for what people are familiar with.

When you spring wacky new sh!t on people they freak out.

People are stupid.
"Waa. Waa. Waa. I'm tired of the same old sh!t!"
Give 'em new sh!t.
"WTH is this sh!t?! I don't understand it. It's too complicated fo my widdle biddy nano-bwain".
Give 'em the old sh!t.
"Waa. Waa. Waa. I'm tired of the same old sh!t!"
Would you effing pick something?!
Either you want new sh!t or the old sh!t.
It's really simple. It's either or!

The nutritional value of vegetables served but not eaten is zero.
Serve the kids Fruity Pebbles and they'll at least get milk in them.

People are idiots.
Clichés are fine.
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I love cliches! The more cliched the better! :yes:

Probably why I'm so obsessed with the horror genre... You could spoon feed me cliches and I'll eat 'em right up. Is that a little odd?