Now that it’s been officially announced that my story “ABC” won Stage One, I just wanted to thank everybody for the votes and the boost in confidence. I can only assume I won because of the amount of detail I put into it, rather than writing the most original, intriguing concept going… But I’ll definitely take that as a compliment!
Also, I just wanted to explain some of the decisions I made when writing… In the very first thread for this competition, it was originally specified that the Stage One concepts should be in the form of a short story, which I took to mean prose. I wrote “ABC” almost straight away, before everybody started requesting the option to submit a few-lines-worth of concept. This is the reason that there is so much in there that is, realistically, un-filmable. I originally started writing this in the third-person, but soon changed it to first-person as it read much better. As I was writing, I did consider the words being read as a narration, but couldn’t get Bruce Willis’ “Sin City” voice out of my head. Still, all of this, I decided to leave as-is, to give the Stage Two entrants something to do!
I haven’t yet read the scripts that have been written for my story, so I don’t know how they go. But if were to Screen-write this, or shoot it, I’d possibly add an extra scene or two to extend the story (perhaps a scene in a bar, where the bar-tender asks what’s wrong with the shooter, before we flash back to the events portrayed in my story), or perhaps I’d add a text crawl at the start and finish, to explain the missing elements of the story (maybe the use of clones has become a serious problem within organised crime, so the government has set up a task force to assassinate the clones?).
Whatever… I can’t wait to read the scripts for Stage Two. Everybody get over there and start voting! Here’s the thread:
Thanks again, everybody!