Some random updates:
Don Patterson is trying to get a group of Ohio actors to jam into his car and make a road movie, while driving to IndieMeet. That would make for a cool story, if he can pull it off. Original thread is here:
I tried hitting up Denver Jackson for showing his movie SOMNIUS, at the meet. Unfortunately, it probably won't be ready that soon. I'm still crossing my fingers for a miracle finish.
Jeff Leroy, director of CREEPIES and many other movies, messaged me and is interested in coming out from LA to attend. It's not nailed down, but I hope he does, because he'll probably have his new feature, RAT SCRATCH FEVER with him:
I'm always open to crowd pleasing shorts, especially genre (horror, sci-fi, action, comedy) stuff. When it comes to features, I prefer stuff that is presented by the actual filmmaker in attendance. Any ideas?