• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

I'm Crowdfunding!

For those who are interested in the progress of this campaign: we're now well over half way, and need just $2,950 to reach our goal!

As always we appreciate anyone contributing and/or sharing the project! It's great to have raised this much but we'll be devastated if we don't reach our goal :)

The Flight of the Flamingo on IndieGoGo!

EDIT: Also, if you have any questions about the project that I could answer in a video Q&A please say 'em! It'd be good to have a few more submitted questions for me to answer :)
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Congrats on hitting 4k!

Thank you (and thank you for the promotion)!

We've received $1,150 today which feels pretty amazing :yes:

Just got to keep it going and hope that our momentum takes us over the line with ten days left. I reckon we can do it if we get enough people to know about the project.
Is there a way to modify a pledge on indiegogo? I can kick in a few more bucks but doen't see it.

Just a few days left guys, let's push them home!
Is there a way to modify a pledge on indiegogo? I can kick in a few more bucks but doen't see it.

Just a few days left guys, let's push them home!

Thanks so much Paul! You've been very good to us :yes:

I'm not sure if there's a way to modify your pledge but if you feel like making a second pledge then I'll be sure to make sure you get all the relevant perks. That sounds really mercenary given how amazing it is to get anything but, heck, we're running out of time! :lol:

Thanks everyone!
So close. I really hope you guys make it! It would be nice to have someone i know well on IT to have a successful campaign!

To anyone who's been on the fence about donating: Do it :). I've read the script and it would make for one cool film.
indiegogo is trippin. I just tried to throw in a few more bucks, and my browser got all Obi-wan, telling me, "this is not the website you are looking for". I'm not joking, my browser actually said that to me.

I shall try again in a bit.
indiegogo is trippin. I just tried to throw in a few more bucks, and my browser got all Obi-wan, telling me, "this is not the website you are looking for". I'm not joking, my browser actually said that to me.

I shall try again in a bit.

Thanks a lot CF!

One thing I'll say is that several people (including someone who is still trying/hoping to make a pretty sizeable contribution have had problems with IndieGoGo. I've always found it perfectly easy but that's definitely had a negative impact on our campaign.

Hoping our pay comes in before this ends. Will be donating if so.

Thank you, sir!

$870 to go and 59 hours!

Chipped some in yesterday - good luck with the rest!

Thanks so much- I didn't realise it was you, should've paid more attention! ;)

was going to donate but got this error


Ah, goodness. Not sure why that's suddenly happening. Thanks for alerting me to it (and trying to contribute!) given that I haven't heard a peep from IndieGoGo...

EDIT: Should be fixed now, it just wanted me to add the dollar as a currency to my PayPal account...
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yep it worked. Wondering how many donations you may have lost because of that :/
Pitched in 20 to make it a round number :)

Good luck with the project. Hopefully you pull through before the deadline