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Just finished watching THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW written and directed by Jim Cummings. You may remember Jim Cummings and his THUNDER ROAD film a couple of years ago. First off? I love WEREWOLF movies so watching this was a no-brainer. An Indie and werewolf film rolled into one. I also love Robert Forster and this was his last film.

To be honest? I thought the film was okay but I didn't like it as much as I liked THUNDER ROAD. This time around? I almost felt like I was seeing the same character in THUNDER ROAD being thrown into this dark, horror, comedy. Jim Cummings' performance in WOLF was eerily similar to his performance in THUNDER ROAD and for me? That's where the movie starts to nose dive.

Had I never seen THUNDER ROAD? I probably would have just watched the movie and at the very least, not thought that that was an hour and a half I'll never get back. I thought Cummings was outstanding in TR and even more outstanding that he pulled TR off. From what I've read, WOLF's budget was 10 times more than TR which cost around $200K but that was more of a DIYer than WOLF is (I think).

Had I not seen Cummings' performance before, I wouldn't now be wondering if this is all the range he's got because in my humble opinion, he plays the character in WOLF pretty much the same way he played his character in TR... I couldn't help but wonder or worry (I want to see him succeed) if this is the only character he can play and if that's true -- which I hope is not -- I can't help but wonder how many more roles he has out there OR will he keep writing and directing movies and keep using this same character more or less.

I hope not because this character is somewhat of a goof and while he was interesting in TR? He was less interesting in WOLF simply because I had seen him before.

I thought the cinematography was really good... Had a very decent look to it and the shots of the mountains in Utah were breathtaking. They kind of had a WIND RIVER vibe to them. I also though Robert Forster was underutilized here. His part simply wasn't big enough or important enough. I think that may have been a missed opportunity.

All in all? Worth watching especially if you love Indie film and want to be an Indie filmmaker. It's nice to see that Cummings was able to parlay TR into WOLF and that? In and of itself is inspiring.

As just another werewolf movie? I'll give it a 6 out of 10.

It would be nice to see it make all it's money back and ENOUGH more to make it an actual success so Cummings can keep moving forward.

Fingers crossed.

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I really love these old Michael bay movies.
The Rock and Bad Boys 2 are great fun to watch and the cinematography and editing is very cool.

then there is all his new crap like transformers and 6 underground. I walked out of the theatre during transformers and I tried to watch 6 underground yesterday and the directing is so bad I had to turn it off. Literally unwatchable. What happened to Michael bay. Did he get into a motorcycle accident like Gary busey or something
I watched the Netflix remake of Rebecca. It's more faithful to Daphne DuMaurier's novel in some ways than the 1940 Hitchcock version, and has a terrific cast. I enjoyed it, but like most movies, I think it could have been about 10 minutes shorter.
Welcome to the Blumhouse's The Lie 4/10: Great acting, cinematography was good, but the plot was just ridiculous. And the ending had me wanting my 90 minutes back.
Welcome to the Blumhouse's The Lie 4/10: Great acting, cinematography was good, but the plot was just ridiculous. And the ending had me wanting my 90 minutes back.
Just to show how two people look at the same thing in different ways: the ending redeemed it for me.
6/10. :)
Training Day is such a great movie.
Then i looked up the editor.. such films as terminator 2 and titanic LOL yeah that will do it.
But hollywood is so stupid at gunfights. denzel takes cover behind drywall lol.
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I watched On The Rocks - written & directed by Sophia Coppola (who I think is terrific). It stars Rashida Jones & Bill Murray - I think he's one of the top dozen or so actors working today.

I was really looking forward to seeing this but would only give it a 6/10. It felt like a drama being mis-packaged as a comedy.

Murray was great, and there's a scene when he gets pulled off by cops in NYC that's knock your socks off great.

But Jones was a wet rag - I blame the directing, not her as I've seen her be great elsewhere.
Every time the husband came on screen, it all ground to a halt.
And there's a slightly manic neighbor/mom who seems like she shows up periodically to remind us that this is supposed to be a comedy.
Watched An American Werewolf in London the other night for the first time in years. Very good movie! The famous werewolf transformation scene, which is equal parts terrifying and disgusting, still holds up. I forgot how much humor is in the film as well. Great makeup effects by Rick Baker and solid direction by Landis. 7/10 - Appropriate choice to watch this time of year!
"UP", because any time a Disney movie can make you cry, it's a special thing. Bambi never made me cry, it just always reminds me of how much I love barbecued backstrap. "Man has entered the forest... and is he HUNGRY!"
I really love these old Michael bay movies.
The Rock and Bad Boys 2 are great fun to watch and the cinematography and editing is very cool.

then there is all his new crap like transformers and 6 underground. I walked out of the theatre during transformers and I tried to watch 6 underground yesterday and the directing is so bad I had to turn it off. Literally unwatchable. What happened to Michael bay. Did he get into a motorcycle accident like Gary busey or something

Definitely agree about old Michael Bay films. I think The Rock is his best work followed closely by Bad Boys 2. Just solid action movies all around!

I've always thought the first Transformers was a fun blockbuster as well. After that though, he seemed to constantly try to one-up himself and go overboard in all the worst ways. I think he works best when he's reigned in or deals with smaller stakes movies. Pain and Gain, which I enjoyed, seemed like a battle between old vs new Michael Bay.
Road to Perdition


This is the brownest, rainiest movie I've ever seen.
And tom hanks as a gun weilding action hero??? Whats not to love.

Dedicated to the memory of Conrad L. Hall.
Crazy I know that is and I've seen him lecture, damn I have watched a lot of content on youtube.
(Perdition (n) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death.)

Second time watching this film and still very enjoyable.

Good Time

From the team that brought you UNCUT GEMS (director Benny and editor Ronald)


2017 film on netflix starring robert pattinson who did a fantastic job.
The best part of this movie is definitely the pacing, the editor totally killed it, the whole thing flows so fast and naturally.

Love the way the movie just goes with the flow instead of forcing the story in a direction.
And the few parts that are predictable would be unrealistic and fake if they played out any other way - so great writing too.

Overall a great movie. Even more excited for Batman now.
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Mank (2020)......... 6/10

Another movie about Citizen Kane but it adds more questions than answers. To me the movie was trying to hard to look a certain way. Not really convinced that true moments happened based on the real Mank life. I've read and heard so many views. This movie makes it look like Welles had no involvement in the writing.
The Sound of Metal (2019) ........................................ 9.5/10

Wow. I had an idea about a movie that was very similar to this. Glad to see this movie get made. Best of the year.