39 - Stupid people without the good sense to at least be nice.
40 - People that want you/me to distill years of intensive comprehensional education and experience into a functional twenty second explanation before they forget it before the pleasant conversation ends.
41 - People that ask for, demand, or require advice and guidance, then acknowledge the sage and prudent course of action you've created for and communicated to them - only to have the dumbmutherfucker return to their previously self-inflicted injurious ways.
42 - Perpetuation of this idiotic measurement system we have in the States:
- pounds and ounces
- inches, feet, yards, & miles.
43 - Perpetuation of the idiotic time and calendar system.
- 60 seconds in a 60 minute hour of a 24hr day. Whut? Why? Can we not use something simple, like... 50 seconds & minutes in a 20hr day?
- 12 months of nonsensical number of days.
Umm... How about 13 months, each the exact same 4 weeks of 7 days each, plus one free day (kinda like a leap year day every year)
The... 16th would ALWAYS be on a Monday.
The 25th would ALWAYS be on a Wednesday.
I know, I know... it makes too much sense, but.... whatever.
44 - Perpetuation of a stupid 26 character alphabet to make forty distinct sounds.
WTH's the point of having BOTH a "C" and a "K"? Why, in God's name, do we need to use them BOTH in the same word at the same time? Fu
CK me, that's stupid.
What's the point of inventing a "Q" if you can't use it without a "U"?
"F" and "PH". Umm... that's
phuquing retarded.
Their, and
They're. Someone 'splain the point of that. For really. That's retarded.
Silent letters are also for f#cking
hrds. (That "p" and "h" are silent!!!! <wink, wink, wink!>)
"IS" should be spelled "IZ", just like it GD sounds like.
"OF"... guess? Guess how "OF" should be spelled? Why not slap any old two random vowel and consonants together and call it "OF". Oh... wait... ! We did.
Why is "abreviate" such a long GD word?
Honestly, I think we should take a survey of the most universally common mispelled words by elementary/primary schoolers and make those the official spellings.
D'ja think?!
No! No, let's by all means continue with this ridiculous cake-walk spelling system.
45 - Perpetuation of the QWERTY keyboard in the digital age where very, very few secretaries are the exclusive operators of keyboards.
Dvorak keybord:
You'd think cell-phone manufacturers woulda been all over this.
46 - People overflowing with style while containing little substance. (Bio-paperweights)
47 - Films with the dialog being obliterated by the soundtrack being recorded at the exact same level (or higher)!
People deserve the government they elect.