What grinds your gears?

What are the small things that annoy you?

I'm talking Day-to-day living. What twists your melon?

We are filming a compiled list of the very best.

Keep them numbered if you can. I'll start.

1. Pushing a "Pull" door.
2. People who run stop signs & lights.

2a. People who don't use their turn signals.

3. People who can't keep their annoying brats under control.

4. Homework assignments my nine-year-old brings home from school that I can't understand.

5. TV commercials with lousy sound.
7. Working a day job ;) That's actually a pretty big one so we'll say people who stop what they're doing to watch you parallel park. I don't get it...it's not that interesting!

Oh, and Alcove, given 2a, avoid Pittsburgh if you can. I swear it's an epidemic around here. As is the Pittsburgh Left (making a lefthand turn just as the light turns green, cutting off opposing traffic going straight. I'm surprised there aren't more dead drivers around here)
8. Members posting in the wrong forum.

9. People who talk into their bluetooth earpieces in public places.
10. When you are standing in line at the grocery store, and the old lady in front of you takes forever to dig through her purse for exact change, and she waited until the cashier told her the total brfore finally beginning to collect her money.
11.) People who 'monopolise' the pavement. If there are three of you, you need to make room so that other people can pass.
12.) People who walk slowly and directly in front of you.
13.) People who stand still on the left hand side of escalators.
14.) Old English and other dead languages.
16. Haplessly trying to open a particularly stubborn carton of milk, bag of chips(crisps), or those products that are packaged like Fort Knox.

17. Carrying on a phone call with a friend, in which you are telling them a really awesome story, and then when you finish the story, they don't respond, and you realize that you've been talking to yourself for who knows how long, because of a dropped call.
Getting duck crap squished between my toes. (we have a lot of ducks-- hey,if you want some, special price for indietalk members!
there are some good ones!

i reaaaaly dont like when people eat chips and dont close their mouth on the initial CRUNCH! ahg!

hate when audio is not normalized movies, and constantly have to readjust volume

do not like when someone stands infront of you in a big line (like starbucks or other popular food place), but when its their time to order they go "uuuuuuuuuuum..... iiiiii llll taaaaaaaaake.... hmmm.." REALLY?? we ve been standing here for a while and you havent picked the drink/food?? grrrrrrr
23. Editing suite crashes, corrupt save.
24. People that does not seem to know what a blinker is for.
25. Sand between gears. That really grinds my gears.
26. Audio that goes to freaking hell on ads, stays super high on explosions and shooting sprees, and mutes on dialogue. At night. When everyone is sleeping.
28. Living with too little money to cover my bills and eat.

29. Going to a shopping mall and running into so-called auto body repair people looking to make a sale off of every dent on my car.

30. When I turn on the news and seeing a celebrity's social life is more important than the economy, the government, the weather, and traffic.

31. The absence of good quality TV shows and movies because reality shows are cheaper for the networks.

32. Windows crashing. I turn on a computer when it has to update and restart and I'm in the middle of editing a video when it asks to restart the computer.
34. People who drive an exit only lane for the express purpose of jamming themselves farther ahead in dense traffic.

35. Tailgaters.

36. Anyone who, when approaching someone coming the opposite direction on a sidewalk, moves to position themselves directly in the path of the oncoming person.
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