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watch We shoot this on the Red!

We shoot this on the Red!

...maybe I'm just wakin' up in a grumpy mood... but why is this so important?

Could your video still stand on its own merits, if recorded on some other camera or media?

We didn't use anything but the basic camera setup.

I believe it.
Shooting this on the Red isn't really a selling point...or wait a minute...maybe it's the *only* selling point.

I think it's a bit humorous, watching some dude come back and forth with a different mustache on...and the image quality is nice and crisp. I think this could have been shot on any HD cam worth a damn and looked just fine though.

I'd love to see you take the time to really utilize the Red...shoot something cool...shoot a gritty noir thriller! :) Have fun with the colors and light.

Good luck.
I have to agree with M1chae1. There was nothing here that couldn't have been done with another halfway decent camera.
I’m in a pretty good mood... why is the camera important?

I like the song and I think the very simple set up you used is
quite clever. So you can afford a RED. Or can rent one. Or know a

My thought on your post is; So?

Had you said you made a music video my comments would be about the
video but you didn’t even mention that aspect. Are you really so
proud of the camera you used that you feel your fellow filmmakers
won’t be interested in anything else? What about non filmmakers?
Do you promote this piece to the public based on the camera you

You have an online film school so I assume you have enough
experience and knowledge to teach others. Is this something you
teach? That the equipment is of primary importance? Would you
promote this project as “shot on the JVC!”?

I hope you don’t feel attacked. That’s not my intent. But as you
can already see, your fellow filmmakers aren’t as impressed with
the camera you used as you are. So I’m genuinely interested in why
you promote the camera used.

Now if you had used a PXL 2000...
Eh, I feel like the backlash is more in general because of the touting of the RED becoming passe. I liked the video. It got a bit redundant, as in there was no editing and I would have liked at least 1 other locale or setting for the video, a kind of "B" story as is prevalent in most music videos.

It looked great, but it's just incomplete. Overall, I think I liked it a lot better than most of the other posters, though.

I like the video and the song. It has that 80s sound I think and is kinda cheesy but i LIKE IT because it is Funny and Fun to watch. Both the song and the video are funny. They way you filmed the video and edited was awsome. I love the creativity. As far as the Red Camera I am happy you could use one it must have been good eperience getting to use a great camera.

I was thinking of ways to maybe improve this video and the thoughts of having him come back as different people now and then could be cool. How about having him come back as a boy with a mustache or a good looking woman with a mustache. Maybe add hats here and there also like a cowboy hat, biker hat, viking hat, and maybe a leather jacket now and then. Maybe sunglasses in one too. As long as it matches in color from a distance it would look the same tell he moves forward.
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I watched this 100 times over the weekend. I think the video fits the song wonderfully, though I would have enjoyed seeing more of The Magic Pipe.

Don't care about the camera.

What frame rate did you shoot at for the walk offs/walk ons?
I watched this 100 times over the weekend. I think the video fits the song wonderfully, though I would have enjoyed seeing more of The Magic Pipe.

Don't care about the camera.

What frame rate did you shoot at for the walk offs/walk ons?

You watched this 100 times this weekend? One location? One actor? No lighting. No plot, no conflict, nothing. You must be the editor...:)

Man, I'd love to see what's on your Netflix queue. I could start you off with a 100 things to get you started right away, so you don't waste your time like that again. lol

OK I'm joking. No but really...

The video looked good...it was clean and crisp. But it was just too simple to be inspiring at any level.
I think the video needs more elements and more people in it to make it more exciting. Where can we download the song?
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WOW I do feel attacked. But thanks for the comments, just makes me up my game I love it. The point of this is to show hope to the indy filmmakers in the world. We at the online film school only teach the business side and pulling resources. We had no budget, and no access to a red camera. But with pushing and networking we met someone that had a red. This is not to show off the footage, just to show you guys how easy it is to make something look decent. We as Indy filmmakers need to step up our game and stop using crappy camera that make are stuff look B movie. We have a hold on Hollywood, and now with cameras like the Mark 5D we can make some good stuff. I'm just here in support. If you have any questions please let me know.

Much Love all.
The point of this is to show hope to the indy filmmakers in the world.
As you can see from the posts, you point was missed. I wonder
if that's because you didn't even mention what your point was.

Sorry you felt attacked. That isn't what we do here. But we are
all opinionated and we all are eager to offer our opinion. I'm
thinking that in the future you write in your post what your point
is. As I said, if you had posted the video as a video you made, I
would have commented in the video (which I very much liked). If
you had mentioned that your point was to give all of us hope, that
aspect would have gotten comments.

As you can now see, the camera you use isn't that important to
the indie filmmakers here - I can't speak for the indie filmmakers
of world. Maybe you getting a hold of a RED is what the indie filmmakers
of the world need to give them hope. But here, we all love a success
story and we love to support our fellow filmmakers who defy the odds
and get their projects made. No matter what camera they use.

Try not to see any of this as an attack, okay?