life sucks-help

I know im late on this post but i have a bit of advice. You should join the military. They have this great program which pays off all your old college bill. That would get the 25,000 thousand off your back. your going to have stop smoking weed but it will be worth it. Basic training is nothing. If you can put up with bullshit for 3 months and show the drill sergeants A little effort, It will be easy. After that you'll go to AIT and learn your job, Good training that you can use in the civilian world. In may case im trained in psychological operations and signal support systems. I'll be easily making over 100,000 a year when i get out of the army (if i can find a job). After AIT you'll go to your first duty station. you'll be given a meal card and put up in the barracks. you won't have any bills except maybe a cellphone or car payment. you'll have more money than you will know what to do with. from there you can start buying your gear and recording in your free time. Also all college is free during your military career so this is a perfect time to get some classes behind your back. Then you'll probably deploy. This isn't a bad thing. I can't wait to deploy. You can't spend to much money in a combat zone and your pay is tax free in a combat zone, plus and extra 500 to 1000 which means when you come back to the states you have 40 to 60 thousand dollars to play around with. all medical is free. you'd be living the life.
@kasser2 and gooberman My sister has been to 6 of the 7 continents, with both the military and humanitarian groups, so I trust her opinion when she says, we are DAMN lucky to be living in the United States. Count your blessings.
Life isn't over's only just begun for you.

I know people say 'attitude is everything'...and honestly...they are right. You have to buck up, enjoy life and all of it's pros and cons, and find something you're passionate about.

You have two money living at your parents and pay off your debts, then save a little to move out...or save money to move out, and then pay off your debts.

All the while, find film projects in your area to work on. Networking and opportunity will present itself naturally if you throw yourself in the mix.

All the while, try and be good with your money. Keep a little in savings. Don't spend too much on weed (I smoke, and I understand). Don't just sit around getting high and thinking about how your life sucks. Get excited about filmmaking...find the productions and work on them. Network, collaborate...start your own projects.

The idle mind you know? Keep busy and try and be happy. And don't hang around other people that bring you down...toxic people should be out of your life (even if they are your parents).
That biblical quote is off.. its "where there is no VISION the people perish" referring to visions and prophecies.. but I digress..

The best and most sure cure to "life sucks" is to serve others. Go volunteer at the homeless shelter, soup kitchen, VA hospital, or pick one from..

Spend 1 hour in REAL service to someone who REALLY needs it and you'll feel better all month. I promise.
That biblical quote is off.. its "where there is no VISION the people perish" referring to visions and prophecies.. but I digress..

The best and most sure cure to "life sucks" is to serve others. Go volunteer at the homeless shelter, soup kitchen, VA hospital, or pick one from..

Spend 1 hour in REAL service to someone who REALLY needs it and you'll feel better all month. I promise.

Excellent advice. Epic.
That biblical quote is off.. its "where there is no VISION the people perish" referring to visions and prophecies.. but I digress..

The best and most sure cure to "life sucks" is to serve others. Go volunteer at the homeless shelter, soup kitchen, VA hospital, or pick one from..

Spend 1 hour in REAL service to someone who REALLY needs it and you'll feel better all month. I promise.
