life sucks-help

Re: weed: everyone in this thread is wrong. Drugs are only a problem if the addiction (psychological, physical, or otherwise) interferes with your life. I smoke weed pretty much everyday, and I'm not stupid (am lazy and apathetic, though, but that's not new, and weed has in fact helped both!). I have cyclothymia, and weed is the best thing at leveling me out. Of course, YMMV, and there's a fine line between medicinal, recreational, and harmful usage, but I can't stand idly by while everyone's hatin' on a bro. Plenty of successful people use drugs, but you can't let it control your life. Do you need weed more than you need to move out of your parents' house?

I think you've misread some of our posts. To the best of my memory, only one person has told kgasser2 to lay off the ganj, and I think that's okay for someone to do. I think the vast majority of us have not made any judgement whatsoever. Smoking a joint is no worse than drinking a few beers, but anything is bad when taken to the extreme.
I think you've misread some of our posts. To the best of my memory, only one person has told kgasser2 to lay off the ganj, and I think that's okay for someone to do. I think the vast majority of us have not made any judgement whatsoever. Smoking a joint is no worse than drinking a few beers, but anything is bad when taken to the extreme.
The first line was more tone than substance.
Huh? Good Will Wombat, you are such an enigma to me.
The overwhelmingly contrarian and Armond White-esque sentence I opened with was more about the tone of the following paragraph than communicating discrete information.

(I use the internet to experiment with language! Two birds with one stone, yo)
Re: weed: everyone in this thread is wrong. Drugs are only a problem if the addiction (psychological, physical, or otherwise) interferes with your life. I smoke weed pretty much everyday, and I'm not stupid (am lazy and apathetic, though, but that's not new, and weed has in fact helped both!). I have cyclothymia, and weed is the best thing at leveling me out. Of course, YMMV, and there's a fine line between medicinal, recreational, and harmful usage, but I can't stand idly by while everyone's hatin' on a bro. Plenty of successful people use drugs, but you can't let it control your life. Do you need weed more than you need to move out of your parents' house?

As for what to do... well, life sucks, man. I still haven't figured shit out, no matter how deeply I delve into philosophy or film or drugs or love or anything. We're born, things happen, we die, and we're forgotten. Ad infinitum. It happens.

But it's not all bad. Art is very therapeutic. Filmmaking could be a great way to exorcise your demons, so to speak, even if you don't end up making a living doing it.

I would vote against film school. You're already in debt, and you can learn anything you'd learn in film school with research on the Internet and learning from your mistakes as you make movies.

Is housing really that expensive where you live? I work two shitty part time jobs that pay me barely over minimum and I make enough money to survive on my own.

I was in a similar situation to you a few years ago, sans massive debt. I'd dropped out of college and was living with my folks, and felt pretty much like a bag of turds. Things get better. Remember: this too shall pass.

I hate on weed because I think it's funny that he says he's in debt and does not make enough money at his job. Spending his money on weed is not the most productive thing to get your life on track, nor is it free. I live in California Wombat, the state where everyone and their mother smokes and sometimes they smoke with their mothers. (I do not smoke or do drugs nor have I ever.)

Medicinal Marijuana is all well and good, but smoking weed because your life sucks or because your depressed or because your trying to get away from life does you no good. You cannot run away from your problems, nor can you smoke them away.

Edit: Hate is a strong word and I really do not "Hate" anything in life.
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You're not even old enough to drink. LIVE YOUR LIFE. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone you can, literally. Have sex (safe of course) and party (don't drink and drive).

You want to be a film maker, then do it. Just do it. You have your whole life ahead of you. Read books, listen to music, watch movies (all kinds, and periods), and just do it.

The worst possible thing you can do is to not. It's always black & white, no gray areas. Anything you're feeling has been felt, and there still isn't a designated release, so why sit back?

Go make movies.

The first short i ever made, was using a run-down apartment my uncle owned in my hometown. I hadn't left the house in four months, i hadn't seen my friends in over a year, an utter recluse, shaking and my stomach turning at the thought of being remotely sociable, in and out of therapy. I was directing, a five man crew, so it wasn't mammoth--but to me, knowing I'd be responsible, giving direction, it terrified me.

I closed my eyes, managing to make it to the shoot after walking two miles to clear my head, jumping in a cab. So i arrive, my legs are shaking, everything is telling me to just run, just jump back in the taxi and you'll be home. I told the taxi-driver to wait, that i may be coming back in a few moments. So I run into the flat, i see the actress, the crew are in the midst of setting up. I breathed, i knew that if i walked away now, I'd never film again.

I let the taxi-driver known i wasn't going anywhere. That's why i know, I love film.

Am i completely cured? Hell no, do i still feel sick every morning before shoot? Yes.

Does it stop me?
kgasser2, you've gotten very good advice in this thread. I will just offer a couple practical points:

1) Don't assume any more debt just to enroll in (a) film school. In fact, get yourself a forbearance for the student loan you have now. This will not forgive your loan, but it will allow you a little *breathing room* so you can recoup with a concrete plan for your future (I believe you can go a couple years on forbearance).


2) You don't have to stay away from broads.
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thanks again for all of the advice, there are a lot of things i have to think about.

i'm a little disappointed that it has turned into an arguement for/against weed. yeah i smoke but its not like i'm spending a ton of money on it that is preventing me from moving out. i dont even buy it myself most of the time, all of my friends share. it doesnt make you stupid or lazy, it makes you realized how fucking pointless everything is. and i filled that large gap with a dedication to one thing that i do still care about - film. and smoking weed only make me appreciate it more. when i was stuck on my short script, all i had was a few pages and a scenerio and not a real vision or direction for it, i smoked a joint and acted it out to myself in the driveway. it worked. so i understand that some people may feel strongly about smoking or not smoking, but lets save that advice for someone else.

i think i only saw one person say i shouldnt go to film school. of the 3 options i had listed and breifly described, do you think any of them sound like a good idea?
i'm a little disappointed that it has turned into an arguement for/against weed.

Well, we talk about everything here :yes:

I think that whether or not you indulge is a personal decision. Either you will or you won't be getting high. That doesn't affect me and I'm not passing judgement.


The minute it affects how you are on the set, then there's a problem so look out for that. I am going to be working with someone who has an issue just speaking up and communicating. If that were to become a problem because of a substance or I can't get the information from you that I need, then its an issue and I might not want to be involved again. So just be careful of that....

-- spinner :cool:
thanks again for all of the advice, there are a lot of things i have to think about.

i'm a little disappointed that it has turned into an arguement for/against weed. yeah i smoke but its not like i'm spending a ton of money on it that is preventing me from moving out. i dont even buy it myself most of the time, all of my friends share. it doesnt make you stupid or lazy, it makes you realized how fucking pointless everything is. and i filled that large gap with a dedication to one thing that i do still care about - film. and smoking weed only make me appreciate it more. when i was stuck on my short script, all i had was a few pages and a scenerio and not a real vision or direction for it, i smoked a joint and acted it out to myself in the driveway. it worked. so i understand that some people may feel strongly about smoking or not smoking, but lets save that advice for someone else.

i think i only saw one person say i shouldnt go to film school. of the 3 options i had listed and breifly described, do you think any of them sound like a good idea?

First off "how pointless everything is" is probably one of the reasons your not happy with you life! If you look in the right places man everything in life is beautiful. We live and then we die, what are YOU going to do to leave your mark on this world? It doesn't have to be a big thing and this takes a while to finally realize, but the little things we do in life sometimes affect huge changes in other peoples lives. My most favorite quote is " Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong. "

Now before you decide on film school or anything, a cheap way to get some amazing advice and I'm sure everyone on this forum who has read it (most of them) will agree with me. Go read Rebel Without A Crew by Robert Rodriguez. It's a must! It will help you decide to go to film school or to just go out and start making films.
Good point, LIFE. I love the movie The Sandlot.

My only reply to those who vouch for how good weed is, is this:

The "cool" kids from my highschool who smoked every single day of their lives and thought it was harmless... You know where each and every one of them are now?

- Dropped out of college or never made it into one...

- Working at the local gas station and overweight from also having taken steroids...

- Poor as hell and working dead-end jobs and remembering their "glory" days in highschool...

I then look at the kids who had a purpose and didn't get into that foolishness (myself included) and I look at where they have gotten...

That's all I want to say about it.

I am surprised at how many people do it that I have been talking to on here for so long... It's kind of shocking and disappointing at the same time...
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i think i only saw one person say i shouldnt go to film school. of the 3 options i had listed and breifly described, do you think any of them sound like a good idea?
I never said "don't go to film school", I said "don't assume anymore debt, JUST to go to film school". You're already 25k in the red at the tender age of 20 (with no degree to show for it). You don't need an accredited course of study to prove you can make a film. As suggested many times in this thread, go out and make one. There are many avenues to acquire the necessary tools: through friends, family, co-ops, etc.

You, yourself, said the debt was the result of "various school attempts that amounted to nothing in the end". Perhaps you're one of those driven individuals who's truly stunted by stringent academic life, but would prosper with an independent course of action (although, again, by your own admission, weed makes any action seem "pointless") . You've definitely got a catch-22 scenario. IMHO, your best full-time and pay for your own tutorials as you go.
I wonder, if Scorsese and Coppola had the internet before they became film-makers, would they have become film-makers at all? Or would they have just joined a forum and talked about it, but not actually done it? It's fun to think on.

This is not a dig at the OP or anything, just an observation. I mean, I'm here as well (not to mention all the other forums I frequent). What a grand way of wasting time. Time that could be used actually achieving something...

You know, you're right. Life does suck. But at least we've got one.
I think this thread has diverged a little bit from where it should be. Needless to say, there is no correct way of life. People are unique, and what each person needs to be happy and fulfilled is not the same for everyone. It's not up to us to tell kgasser2, or anyone but perhaps our own children, how they should live their life. There is no secret to happiness. Not a universally adaptable one, anyway. The only thing any of us should be doing is encouraging kgasser2 to find exactly what it is that makes him happy. So, you've figured out that your current life-configuration doesn't work for you. Change it. Tweak it. Find what works for you.