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IndieTalk screenwriting contest?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
If you would like to have some sort of screenwriting contest, post your ideas here. :)

I want to enter the Indiefest Chicago. My script isn't lookng as attractive as I thought. Should I just get it done and ship it before May? This is what usually happens when I write a script. I get bored of it and burn it; then I stop writing for two to three years. I've been writing short stories since ten, reading Syd Fields books since high school. I'm 38 now. In my mind there is a vast flood of stories screaming to be made into movies. Help me brothers or sisters. Help me not to give up the battle. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

JBR :(
I'm the same exact way. What I do is stop writing for a week. Get out, go for a run, don't even think about the screenplay. Then come back, reread everything you have written and see what things strike you most. You may be surprised. As I writer I get frustrated when everything doesn't work out well. The secret is to take as much time writing as you need to. Set goals of course! But don't plan on shooting on a certain month when the script isn't complete for example.
Syd talks about what to do when you get stuck and whatever in a few of his books as I recall...

There's always the "Screenwriters Problem Solver" of his, which might help too. Patience and Persistence, the two strongest tools at your disposal.. well next to writing skill and a good story. ;)
What I was saying is that even if it is copywritten, it doesn't mean that someone won't steal your idea.
Wow this thread derailed itself...
Actually, I was asking a sincere question. If the laws had changed (and Clinton did a lot with Intellectual copyrights and the Internet) then I figured you guys would know. Didn't mean to steal a thread but I do post creative works on another board and if the laws had changed I'd really like to know it. So just take your grumpy pants off, it's spring in the midwest, go out and for God's sake enjoy your day.
If someone stealing ideas is a concern, perhaps there could be a private forum that requires registration to read for scripts and comments to be posted in? Not much of a deterant, I admit, but it might prevent lurkers from seeing it and just taking it.

Hi Everyone:

Okay! Lets have a Screenwriting Contest. Here are some typical Contest ideas.

1. Must be protected, by either WGA, Copyrite, or some of the newer protection methods.

2. Submit first 10 pages only without name attached. So copies made for judges without name.

3. Submit name, address etc., on separate cover page.

4. No charge to enter contest = no financial reward for winning. It is for the honor of the experience.

6 Seven to 9 Judges appointed by Inditalk. Each Judge has a copy of first ten pages of each Script.

7. Submit screenplays by July1, 2005.

8 Quaterfinalists anounced by July 15

10. Semifinalists by July 20.

11. Winner of Indietalk Screenplay Contest by July 24.

The above 11 items are subject to change by Indietalk. The first 10 pages concept also helps protect the story as no one has access to the complete 120 pages, and typically if a Hollywood reader is not interested in the first 10 pages, the screenplay is chucked.

I hope this helps get the IndieTalk Screenplay started.

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hello there Mr Satire. i have not had a chance to say ahoy to you so far on IT, so here I go:
on the contest i think it should be newly writen work, not stuff that we have produced in the past - to force us to evolve and not live off our past glories etc.
it need not even be a full screenplay - could just be some Alan Beckett style monologue.could work like the official IT film comp - with a set line to have in the script to set everyone off.
what do you think?
i hope we do manage to get one started. even if it means some elaborate form of double cuppies.
Hi Nique Zoolio:

Your ideas are sound. So we should probably add a # 12.

12. Screenplays entered shall be in recognized screenplay format and shall have not been previously awarded a Contest Award in another Screenplay Contest.

Sail Ho!

how about doing it so that what you produce is completely new, to the writer and (hopefully) the reader. that way we are not risking anything our future may depend on, and we are evolving as writers...
I like the 10 page idea and the rest. I'm not sure about requiring that it's new material. Unless there's some sort of guidelines to the story, it's impossible to tell whethers its new or not. Unless that's the case, I think it should be up to the writer what her or she wants to submit.
NYCmidnight has a fun screenwriting comp that uses vague guidelines. The stories that come out of it are wildly different from each other, even though they all started with the same criteria.

I'd have a crack at that, for sure.
Hi T-Shipley:

I agree with you in that the screenplay does not have to be new material. It can be an old script that you dusted off because no one ever wanted it. Enter it! You never know, it would be an honor to have IndieTalk Judges cite it as a quaterfinalist.

However, a Screenplay that was sold or that already won a contest should not be eligible in order to keep the contest at the amateur level.

Hi Zensteve:

If the script for "Of Consequence" were entered into an IndieTalk Screenwriting contest it would set the stage for for the level of competition that is on this site. After all competing with the likes of Mefistofele and Faust is stiff competition. Ha!

Certainly send the script to NYCMidnight as well. It's a great script.

Satire said:
Hi Poke:

Good idea! Why not add these two catagories for awards?

Best Opening Line.

Best Location Description.


That's not what I meant. I meant let's do this similar to the ITOOFC where the Judges set forth criteria. Like say we give the opening scene as a playground and the opening line: "Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't." Then every entrant takes those two aspects and expounds upon them.

One entrant might end up with a drama, while another pulls an actioner out of that.

I have nothing against having a contest with previously existing scripts, I just think approaching it like MYCMidnight would be a lot more interesting for both contestants and everyone else.

Poke said:
That's not what I meant. I meant let's do this similar to the ITOOFC where the Judges set forth criteria. Like say we give the opening scene as a playground and the opening line: "Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't." Then every entrant takes those two aspects and expounds upon them.

One entrant might end up with a drama, while another pulls an actioner out of that.

I have nothing against having a contest with previously existing scripts, I just think approaching it like MYCMidnight would be a lot more interesting for both contestants and everyone else.


I love this idea- and ITOOFC is almost over... I think it's almost time for another contest!
Let's do it!
Who wants to run the thing?