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IndieTalk screenwriting contest?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
If you would like to have some sort of screenwriting contest, post your ideas here. :)
I'd enter for sure. I guess the things to think about would be:

1. Judging: Peer review like Greenlight, or a select few members of indietalk who have some sort producing experience, i would guess (the latter would be dependent on the the select members being able and wanting to devote time to such a venture).

2. Any kind of script or only ones that could be produced on an "indie" budget.

3. Scripts that contestents have already written or some sort of contest that has a guideline or creative starting point that everyone has to follow. I'd be up for either. It would be easier, obviously, to enter the script i am working on now, but I think the latter could make for a more interesting contest.

Those are my thoughts.
count me in too, guys. i'm a fantastic writer and you are all in big trouble. I'm with Zoolio on this one. Let's keep it short. I dont wanna post something i worked on for months on the internet. i'm careful about where and how i discuss my projects. But yeh, i think it could be a running thing with short scripts. This sounds great!
damn them. yes! lets boycott their films. HAHA! Joking, thats just evil.

I was thinking maybe later i can email around to people like john august and such and see if they'd be interested. or would we want a specifically indie screenwriter?
Boz Uriel said:
I thought anything copyrighted cancelled that out? Did I miss a law change? :(

What I was saying is that even if it is copywritten, it doesn't mean that someone won't steal your idea. Plagerism runs rampant.
Have you EVER downloaded an MP3 of a song you DIDN'T BUY?
Ever use Software that you DIDN'T BUY?

People ignore copyrights all the time. I'm just saying that if you put it online, its' in the public eye, not that it's public domain. So if it's your prize posession, I wouldn't put it up no matter if it's copywritten, panteted, protected by shield generator. Etc...

BUT that's just me...
or is it?
i would, in principle, like to see this happen. (politician in the making).
on the guy who wrote the Damage flick, he is too good. we need someone worse
the worse we bring in, the more impressed they are by our work, the more mooollaahhh so that we can buy ourselves happiness (or at least its occasional mother, comfort).
we need the people who wrote the Cube!
or a team of hamsters........
LOL! @ Zool

I've used software and MP3s that I downloaded, and then bought at a later point. It's a great way for someone who can barely make rent get the tools he needs before he can afford them. I use it as a "trial version", then buy it if I like it. Problem is, most people don't have that honesty.

Cube ROCKED! The retarded guy lives! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH (am I in outer space? Or Am I Just Crazy??? AHHAHAHA) (sorry)

Let's have a short film contest akin to the "My film will beat your film" contest- with criteria, so that it won't be anyone's "precious". We need someone really smart to do the judging.
Who is smart here?

I was pretty impressed with Cube actually.. it was more than I thought it would be.. didn't they also do a sequel?

I've got a 'genius' level IQ.. that qualifies for being "smart" right?
yeah - there have been 3 cubes, The Cube, The Cube2: Hypercube, and Cube Zero.
i have to say i loved that film - it had me in stitches all the way. how did that scary cop guy find them at the end? but i have to say it didn't give into stereotypes at all - who would have thought that the retard actually was a mathematical genius??!?!?!?!?!?
i went onto an interent forum on the film afterwards, some people had a theory that the cop fellow was the billionaire who paid for it all....i lost it, and started a web of lies about it being the retard....got them all to concede though....
I liked the first one, but the sequels all suck royally.
IQ doesn't determine how smart you are- that's foolish "scientist" magic.
The only key determining factor to determine "smartness" is a spelling bee.
Perhaps we should have a spelling bee before we have a screenwriting contest.
So would the moderators also judge the scriptwriting contest too?

I like the idea of doing it like the Film Contest.

you could be given:

and then you have a little bit to write a script... I think this could go faster than an ITOOFC since we're not filming editing and scoring... 2 weeks from start to finish? 30 days?
How many pages? 5 to 15?

What you all think?
Nique: I think he was supposed to be autistic.. You know like Ray from Rainman, in which case, it makes perfect sense that he's a math genius.

Hmmm.. I dunno, personally I think I'd rather let people come up with whatever they want for a screenwriting contest. It would be more interesting to read in that case, otherwise you'd end up reading the same line over and over, and hearing about the same prop being used in weird ways and whatnot.. Maybe that's just me.