Id like to thank ...

All ya all.

I just won an editors choice award from for my Get Crackin commercial.

papertwinproductions turned me on to poptent, so my kids can thank him for the new Wii they'll find under the tree next month.

The rest of the great folks here who put up with my lame humor and treat me like a real filmmaker regardless of my experience or skill level. Who encouraged me to get in front of the camera.. I'm still not pretty to look at, but its MY mug in that commercial.. so..

Thank you all very much.
Wheat (AKA Dan Scott)
Sweet! Congrats!

The rest of the great folks here who put up with my lame humor and treat me like a real filmmaker regardless of my experience or skill level.

This better just be your public-persona-forced-humility talking. You're definitely a filmmaker, and I'm looking forward to seeing bigger stuff from you.

I know you've got a feature bouncing around the back of your head, and you're just waiting for the right moment to unleash it upon us.
video here..

@CF... I have to say from the get go.. back when I was asking what white balance and crossing the line meant, I was treated with respect, and kindness. .. the sad thing is .. .. I didn't LEARN A THING about how to be nice.. so get off my lawn you miscreant! :)

That is why you are the most impressive member of IT that i have seen. Bc you have gone through such a wide range which most ppl here do not.

And that is why im so glad you won this prize.