Happy Birthday, Insert Cliche Here!!


Hope you have a great Birthday!
Lol, oh Tim Curry, I just can't escape him.


Thanks everyone, that's mighty nice of you all <3 Sort of makes up for having an overall pretty shitty day yesterday lol. Go birthdays! -_-

Anyway. Thanks :) <3
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear insert cliche here [tries desperately to catch breath]...HAAAAAAAPY BIIIIIRTHDAY To YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [passes out].

Best wishes for many more and great success and fortune to share and enjoy with friends and family!
Happy Birthday

Also, I'm 24, and I think I'm freaking out about it :/

Just do facial exercises a la Jack Lalanne, eat lots of Mangoes, bathe your face and hair in cold water, use coconut oil from time to time and eat well... you can stay young looking for a long time.
Ooh I see. I'm not freaking out about looking older, I'm freaking out because I'm gonna be 25 and in the same position as most 18 year olds. I feel like my life is about 5 years behind schedule and falling further behind with every day that I don't hear back about any jobs. Blah, anyway. Not much of a problem compared to some, so I'm gonna stop complaining now.