At the elite film schools you'll find brand names among the students. Names like Sinatra, Wasserman, Bridges. There are people with 1600 GRE's, Harvard Law degrees. Would you like people like that to form relationships with? Or people like me? I didn't go to film school, but I have my own connections, for example I have 10% off coupons for Hamburger Harry's.
It may be a biased response, but here in the silicon valley, I have access to plenty of people that started with 800x my advantages. Some of them are almost as good as me at film, but they all look down on me. How stupid am I if I didn't even check the "inherit money" box on my birth certificate, Sheesh, some people.
I got a 1540 SAT. Nobody gives a flying f**k about it. Ever worked as hard as you could for years then sat down at a bar with these people? If you can't buy a 425 dollar round of drinks and act casual about it, they look at you like someone is forcing them to eat garbage out of a dumpster. (I'm sure each of you can cite one person that isn't like this, knock yourself out, I'm generalizing)
When the super rich tried to keep health insurance away from 9/11 emergency responders, that was kind of the last straw. So No, I don't want to hobnob with rupert murdock jr. I've had it with the childish stupidity of those that still believe in an American caste system. That is basically the opposite of what America is supposed to be about. Once the hiltons and murdocks have finished circling the American dream with a purple velvet rope, you'll have trouble owning a home ever in your life. I see these people as termites. Small minded, caring only about themselves, constantly consuming and pleasuring themselves to the detriment of all around them. I wouldn't spend 4 years with them, I've seen a guy commit suicide because he didn't have 5 grand. My world has no place for their apathy.
For those clutching a hello kitty doll, and wondering why I'm so "mean"
I'm not, I'm a really nice guy
I see it like this
WRONG: See no evil, hear no evil, put on a happy face
RIGHT: See evil, hear evil, fight evil, circumvent evil, put on a happy face
And hey, there are more responses possible to a negative post than an internet flame, or that motherly thing where someone comes in and tells everyone to calm down
If there's cancer, go to the doctor, get the x-ray, look straight at the tumor, and have it removed. There's really nothing negative about that.
I will accept your hamburger coupon, but please don't tell any of my investors I use coupons, or they will withdraw their investment and give it to A.J. Soprano.