Ben Affleck Sports Beige Sweater Alone
Ben Affleck was seen alone on Friday in Los Angeles. The 50-year-old star seems to be favoring beige lately after he was caught wearing what appeared to be the same sweater on Wednesday.
I really like this headline. It's because it paints a picture so informative that you get the negative space. Not just what's happening "Ben Affleck wore a Beige sweater", but also what's NOT happening, because it mentions that he wore the sweater alone. This pointedly illustrates the fact that Ben is not surrounded by friends while wearing the sweater. They could have just waited for a day when he wore a sweater that had a more interesting description, but instead they worked with what they had, and wove a spellbinding tapestry about the situation at hand. I should practice this Avant guard writing style to improve my creative delivery.
"John Hamm was seen inserting coins into a soda machine, with no swarm of bees attacking him"
"David Spade was seen breathing next to a parking meter, which he was not inserting coins into, because he wasn't parked there"
It's got this post futuristic vibe to it, this style of reporting, Where we not only get the core information, about the beige sweater, but are led to imagine an alternate reality where he had been surrounded by friends while wearing the sweater, and then informed that that alternate timeline never took place. Why? Is it because of the beigeness of the sweater. Did he leave his friends leaning on things at the gas station from the previous story?
I do feel that this story missed some key information that the previous one handled better. In this case, I know important details about the sweater, but I don't know what he's leaning against, or whether he drove off after wearing it.