I only saw Full Metal Jacket once when I was 17. Am I fucked up in the head? I thought it was a comedy... a dark comedy... but a comedy.
FMJ: The first part is probably some of the funniest in film history and honestly i wish the film was more of that. The 2nd part is basically an entirely different movie, but not one I enjoyed. It's basically just a bunch of random scenes with no sense of direction or story. And the characters, when they start getting killed off I found it impossible to care because I felt like I wasn't given reason to care. And then the movie just kinda ends...
I only saw Full Metal Jacket once when I was 17. Am I fucked up in the head? I thought it was a comedy... a dark comedy... but a comedy.
I only saw Full Metal Jacket once when I was 17. Am I fucked up in the head? I thought it was a comedy... a dark comedy... but a comedy.
overtones of dark humor throughout the film.
it feels cold, static and lifeless.