Why do actors act and filmmakers film?

Are they not afriad of death? Do they think they're invincible or immortal somehow? Is it just to teach? What if you have nothing more to teach? What about adding value to their own lives knowing that death can happen any second? That's like fooling around, having fun, getting drunk and then a car accident.

So why do they?
I say film makers film because they are more in control. They call the shots.
Actors on the other hand are told what to say, how to say it, where to stand but are exosed to the world. Perhaps they just like all the attention they get while the filmmaker strives on all the control they have.
Well, that's a weighty question, isn't it? I'll assume you don't mean the big budget actors or filmmakers...

My answer is: don't do it. Go into real estate.

There's no money in it. Especially when you are just starting out. People try to low-ball you because you are new or just to low-ball you. Its hard to find a job. When you find a job, the pay is normally crappy for all the work they want you to do. Its hard to find people to take a chance on you. Its hard to find people to work on your projects and hard to find projects to work on. If you do the hours are long and sometimes grueling. Its hard to find people to understand your vision and sometimes you are the only one who does. Sometimes there is no encouragement. Sometimes no one understands why you are doing it. Sometimes you wonder why you are doing it. Its tough finding/acquiring equipment. Murphy's Law is not fun. Being in debt is not fun. And on top of all that, you get to watch other people doing what you want to do, while you're just trying to get off the ground.


...if you are still listening, and you are not discouraged or swayed. If you can muster up the energy to take an unpaid position on a project that will never see the light of day in order to learn from it; if you can be your own best encouragement; if you can keep clear vision of your vision; if you can bite the bullet and figure out how to do a project with, or worse for no money; if you can get that second-hand video camera though you have little or no money; if you can remember that your indie project must be approached not from Hollywood standards down, but from your broke ass up; if you can "McGuyver" something up to improve your projects big scene; if you can work all night because you know this is all the time you have...

...if you can - and this is a big one - spend the weekend researching your own grants or writing your own proposals; if you can remember that sometimes it takes money to make money; if you can shut out all naysayers and spit in the eye of Murphy's Law; if you can be brave enough to send your artistic baby into the world; if you can listen to constructive criticism and separate the "you sucks" from the "that shot was pretty good"; if you can remember that just as an actor acts, you're not a filmmaker if you don't shoot something; if you can know and accept that this road in life ain't no crystal stair; if you can remember why you wanted to do this in the first place...

if you can remember that the final product is worth all the effort, then you'll be a filmmaker, my son....

(btw: this sounds really cool if you hum The Battle Hymn of the Republic and stand on a chair....:D)

-- spinner :cool:

EDIT: basically, it doesn't matter why some indiscriminate actor/filmmaker does it. You have to know why you're doing it.
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Why am I doing it? Why did i make 2 short films, 1 music video, 3 long camp videos for my high school class, 1 hour long talent show video (which i made over $200 AU from screening it in 2 days) and a school end of year video CD? Why did i sign up to IndieTalk one of the most popular film communities?

I forgot why! I forgot why i did it in the first place! *releases anger* And i'm trying to look for it again!
Ever since the start of 2009 I have been doughting my abilities to film, my choice to have a filmmaking career. Somehow i think it affected how i worked with my group to create an ensemble performace in VCE Drama, i did so bad when i used to do so excellently before.
And now that I am uncertain about my future (i'm in my last year in high school) i don't know what university course i should choose!
I've always been certain about filmmaking since i was 16 (i'm now 1 month before turning 18)! I had a real passion for it and now I don't see it or feel it anymore!
I see no point in it in life now!
But i want to get it back! I've tried to find out why and identify reasons for losing it like, maybe because it's my last year, teachers give me soo much homework i don't have time to film anything or even time for myself which makes my interest in filmmaking drift off. Or it could be that i relised i am growing old, that probably contributed to me thinking that a filmmaking career is a childish dream.

I DON'T KNOW! Looking back at my first video that got me interesting in filmmaking i tried to find my passion/what kept me motivated, i trialed a few reasons but they only lasted for a few days.
And now i've come to somesort of conclusion that i'm probably scared to die and that probably contributes to me feeling like settling down for a life of helping the world, whether it's helping a grandma cross the street, giving advice to people, building a house for poeple to live in, donating blood, donating money or maybe even solve the green house gas emissions problem. BUT I WANT MY PASSION BACK! Why? because it used to make me feel so proud and happy, the happiest, most enjoyable times of my life.

And now i've come to IndieTalk to ask a question, to get atleast some idea to get my passion back. Although i'm still looking for it, thank you spinner your response was the closest to what i'm looking for. And thanks kazze for trying! :yes:


...if you are still listening, and you are not discouraged or swayed. If you can muster up the energy to take an unpaid position on a project that will never see the light of day in order to learn from it; if you can be your own best encouragement; if you can keep clear vision of your vision; if you can bite the bullet and figure out how to do a project with, or worse for no money; if you can get that second-hand video camera though you have little or no money; if you can remember that your indie project must be approached not from Hollywood standards down, but from your broke ass up; if you can "McGuyver" something up to improve your projects big scene; if you can work all night because you know this is all the time you have...

...if you can - and this is a big one - spend the weekend researching your own grants or writing your own proposals; if you can remember that sometimes it takes money to make money; if you can shut out all naysayers and spit in the eye of Murphy's Law; if you can be brave enough to send your artistic baby into the world; if you can listen to constructive criticism and separate the "you sucks" from the "that shot was pretty good"; if you can remember that just as an actor acts, you're not a filmmaker if you don't shoot something; if you can know and accept that this road in life ain't no crystal stair; if you can remember why you wanted to do this in the first place..."

Back when i had that passion i was prepared for all of that, really i was!
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I believe there are many different reasons for each of us. It's far too subjective to lay out on the table.

However, I can give a few reasons why:

* For the love of performance. Performance Arts are incredibly emotional, provoking, educational, and entertaining.

* The chance to be another person is very powerful, is fun, and allows us to use our imaginations--which most of the human species was prone to use at a very young age. As adults, most of us stray away from imagination...as actors, however, we get to play the same games we loved as a child, only on a more dedicated, precise level. Our species loves to role play, and acting gives us that.

* For attention and praise: a lot of actors are hams, and love all eyes on them. Some people love to be the center of attention...the life of the party. These people can sometimes choose acting (or production) to achieve this attention. Also, with this attention can come money...and with money, comes power...and with power...attention and control. It's a vicious cycle...it sounds worse than it has to be.

* To escape. One reason--aside from imagination and role play--is true escapism. To get away from your life...this life. We go to the movies for this reason...being an actor does the same thing, from a different perspective.

* Wealth: being successful in 'The Biz' can bring money. With money security, freedom, and power.

* The people in this industry stick together. Although many of them are complete tools...there are also a great number that are totally cool, and we inspire each other in genuine, selfless ways. A lot of us are film geeks, or theater nerds...these people can talk to each other for hours and hours about this topic...it's fun. There is a camaraderie with performance that forms an incredibly tight bond...we love each others company...

Anyway. There are a few reasons one might want to act in or make a film.

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ffs - i lost this and now i have to type it all again

you want to know the real answer that everyone hides...
so you can say to hot girls "yea... i'm a film director" easy to get there number...

whoops - im 17 and im a year behind you, what you used to be like is what im at now. i hope to god i dont think that in a year - i'm your portal to your past. talk to me, ask me anything...

the film business is a gigantic metaphor - the film business is like a really attractive lady, everyone wants her and everyone is competing for her, only the best and the ones that impress her the most will get her, once you have her you can still loose her to someone else, shes very seductive but a lot of people decide fuck it and do something else, others just stop being attracted to her... thats what you seem to be at, you want her but you just don't see her the same way and your wondering if you should say fuck it... but trust me, shes worth the chase...

<< now that answers that long hard question of yours
I'm a dreamer and I like pretending. I started out making stories on audio tape. All my life I wanted to act in movies, so I bought a camera and started writing stories for myself. I did this for a while before I realized that I had to concentrate more on the behind the camera stuff for the movies to be any good. Call me a late bloomer, getting better became an obsession and that meant controlling as many facets of the filmmaking process as possible - editing, lighting, sound, music, shot composition and visual effects.:) It is an unending pursuit. I've never wanted to join a studio so I could do just one thing, so I think I'm an octopus.
well... there are a few different answers to that question for me...

the first is this... i'm a very creative person... and a rather eclectic person... i've been interested in almost every art form... painting, writing music, music production, writing, photography, etc... painters paint with light and shadow and color and mood and subject matter and texture and brush strokes... composers paint with tempo and rhythm and lyric and dissonance and harmony... music producers paint with all kinds of different instruments and effects to get certain feels from the song... searching for different kinds of beauty in the way all of these different things interact... writers paint with situation, language, story, mood, detail, philosphy, pacing, etc... photography paints with light and shadow, framing, subject matter, black and white, contrast, color, filters, etc...... filmmaking is the only form of expression/entertainment that i know of that employs all of these.... in making films... you get to paint with EVERYTHING!! .... i don't have to settle for just writing.. or just photography... or just music production.... i can do them (or be involved with them) all at the same time... i can make a work of art that uses ALL of these techniques/disciplines... that's probably the biggest reason i make films....

2nd... i suppose i just can't help it... now that i've made films... i don't think i will ever stop, the rest of my life... regardless of whether i "make it" to be a professional or not... i'm now obsessed... and i don't think that will ever change... for the reason i stated above... there is nothing to me like making a film... and for better or worse... i am hooked....

3rd... i'm not sure if this is a true reason i make them or not... but... i am not the kind of person who wants to be a celebrity, such as a movie star or singer... but i am the kind of person who does crave recognition for artistic quality... i love sitting down with someone who really knows film and hearing their thoughts on my films.... yeah, i'd much rather hear about what they liked rather than they didn't like... but that's all part of it... it is "attention-craving" in a way... but not simply mass attention... more like recognition.... sure, i crave that... as i said.. i'm not sure if that's really a reason that i make films... but it's something that i'd like to get as a result of making them...

and sure... i'd love to be successful and make money making films... but i'm sure i'll keep making them regardless of whether that ever happens or not...
Dude, you're 18. Generally speaking, you're probably not gonna die and things are not that dire. Sheesh! Worrying about growing old at 18....

Now, at this point in your life, you are supposed to try new things. There is nothing in the rule book that says you have to decide what you want to do with your life by the time you are 18. (the university I went to wouldn't even allow you to pick a major until your sophomore year.) You are supposed to figure out what you like doing. And you don't really have to know right this instant.

Your senior year in school and graduation is frustrating for most grads. You have to come to terms with the fact that everything in your life is going to change whether you like it or not. That can be scary. You are not the only one who feels that way or felt that way. So maybe you are just experiencing some burnout.

However, maybe you are feeling what alot of people discover after being in film for a while. Maybe it just doesn't do it for you anymore. There's no shame in that, there are alot of people who decide that they want their lives to take a different direction - for whatever reason they decide it. It doesn't make you dumb or a loser or anything like that. It might just means that you have different priorities now.

If the prospect of not being in film is too much for you to bear, then maybe you just need to find what it was that you enjoyed most about film. Do it when you have some calm free time, when you don't have anything to do and just figure it out. Personally, I am big on making lists - pros and cons. What did and didn't you like about it? Maybe try something new filmatically speaking, do something experimental or at least different from what you previously tried.

And most of all, don't put so much pressure on yourself. Nobody does their best thinking when they are frustrated. You probably are not on any deadline to make a decision and the fact that you are graduating says that you have at least made it over that hurdle.

Stop beating yourself up. You'll figure it out because you have to, but you don't have to decide in the next hour. And you're not gonna die. :rolleyes:

-- spinner :cool:
Why do actors act and filmmakers film?

'cos actors get off on acting, directors get off on directing, and filmmakers get off on making films.

Why does Micheal Phelps swim a lot? I suspect it's because
he really likes swimming.
. :secret:

The million-dollar endorsements he gets are just icing on the cake.

He also has a bunch of excellent swimmers in his team. I couldn't name a single one of 'em, even though most of them are also professional athletes... and those guys are gonna keep swimming for as long as they can, regardless of the fact that in twenty years I still won't know (or care about) their names.

They are just doing what they were born to do.

Are you?
I've always been certain about filmmaking since i was 16 (i'm now 1 month before turning 18)! I had a real passion for it and now I don't see it or feel it anymore!
I see no point in it in life now!
But i want to get it back!

No worries, as Spinner said, you've got time to figure out life. So many people don't start defining themselves until college years or later. Also, this dropping off of the passion happens to most everybody. Sometimes life is demanding other sides of you and filmmaking takes a backseat. I went through a 5 year phase of this and you know what?......

It came back, stronger than ever. Sometimes you don't know how much you love something until you've lost it...

i suppose i just can't help it... now that i've made films... i don't think i will ever stop, the rest of my life... regardless of whether i "make it" to be a professional or not... i'm now obsessed... and i don't think that will ever change... for the reason i stated above... there is nothing to me like making a film... and for better or worse... i am hooked.............. i'd love to be successful and make money making films... but i'm sure i'll keep making them regardless of whether that ever happens or not...

lewis886, this is a seriously beautiful attitude that is missing from many, including those who are out to make a quick buck. The fact that you just enjoy it will probably take you a lot further than someone dressing to impress.
Some famous philosopher once said that pretty much everything we do in life...every decision we make, is so we can hook up with a beautiful guy/girl and have great sex.

This is probably more prevalent for males.

I'm being serious.
Some famous philosopher once said that pretty much everything we do in life...every decision we make, is so we can hook up with a beautiful guy/girl and have great sex.

This is probably more prevalent for males.

I'm being serious.

:weird: :D

...another thing I just thought of because I have a couple of projects coming up. This happens to me alot...

I realize just how much work its going to be to do this project. Ahh, I gotta lug this stuff out there, set it up, work instead of watching the show (I try to videotape bands). Its hot, people are standing up in front of my small camera or worse yet - kicks it, I can't so much as go get a drink of any kind...

...after the show, I gotta tear down, its still hot, I gotta make sure no one takes off with my camera, then I gotta drive home....

But once everything is said and done, the great stuff outweighs the bad stuff, I love the footage I just got, the guys (band) is usually grateful, I like the editing part - once everything is captured and at the end of it all I am SO glad I did it.

...you are probably just burned out a little. Take a break...

-- spinner :cool:
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...you are probably just burned out a little. Take a break...

-- spinner :cool:

Me? :)

This was a philosopher that said this. And although I agree partially with what he said, I think there is much more to life than 'hooking up.'

I'm certainly not burned out. I love working 12 hours on a set...heck I do it for peanuts at this point in my career...as long as we keep at it, don't give up, and love what we do...the money will come soon enough.
Whoops, your other account baby filmmaker has been merged into this one.

One personality only please.
