I believe every regular member on here has big plans, for a big feature. I'd be willing to bet that 2001, fresh off his World Debut of "Crimps", is already planning the next feature. I know, for damn sure, that Gonzo has a big feature planned. When I asked him, face-to-face, wheaty told me he didn't have any big plans for a feature, but quite frankly, I'm not buying it. 
Anyway, I think it'd be fun to share our big plans. ALL OF US! You know you've got a big feature planned, let's hear about it!
I'm sure that some of us won't want to divulge too much detail, but even just the genre and the budget you'd like to shoot it on would be interesting for others to hear.
I don't wanna start first, cuz I don't want this to be a Cracker Funk thread. I'm interested in hearing from others, then I'll share mine (I already have, in other threads on this forum). Who's gonna start? Nick? Dready? Bird? Ernest? UC? IT? D-Rick?

Anyway, I think it'd be fun to share our big plans. ALL OF US! You know you've got a big feature planned, let's hear about it!
I'm sure that some of us won't want to divulge too much detail, but even just the genre and the budget you'd like to shoot it on would be interesting for others to hear.
I don't wanna start first, cuz I don't want this to be a Cracker Funk thread. I'm interested in hearing from others, then I'll share mine (I already have, in other threads on this forum). Who's gonna start? Nick? Dready? Bird? Ernest? UC? IT? D-Rick?