What's next? Big plans?

It's funny but I was just recommending to Phil (of the UK variety) that he should looks at NFTS...

Anyhow, 'fraid not... I'm studying English Lit which, as some people have taken pains to point out, is not the world's most instantly useful degree :lol:

Sorry to hear it nick, but sounds exciting at the same time!

Please don't be! I'm sorry if I made it sound like a sob story because, for all of my 'serious' years, I would've bitten your hand off to get to do this. I'm just tempering that with putting film stuff on hold.


Lumos! Expecto Rollingo! Actiono!


Nick, I'm sure you'll have a blast at uni. And don't sweat the fact that English Lit is one of the "useless" degrees. There's no such thing as a useless degree. Before choosing to be a stereotypical "starving artist", I had an actual "real job" career, and I got that with my "useless" BA in anthropology. You gotta study what you love, and I wouldn't trade my degree for anything. Besides, if you wanna be a writer, I'd say English Lit is a pretty damn good choice.
I just found out tonight I'll be doing 2nd camera on a local indie short. Emotional scenes has the DP wanting coverage just in case the actors can't get their groove on the same way again.

I'm hoping the story isn't a dog, but I'll give it my best and see what happens.
And, man, EVERYONE is getting on GRIMM... crazy.

Tell me about it! I ran into five friends on the crew just sitting around in the holding area! Everybody says it's a great show to work for -- waaaay better than Leverage, about which no one had anything nice to say.

And Ernest, I'll do my best (vis-a-vis the screen grab), but I don't actually have TV. Best chance of spotting me (so far) is in episode 4. There's a crime scene shot in a park where the steadicam opened on me (cop wearing sunglasses interviewing girl with dog) then glided past us to the two leads walking in. Might end up on the cutting room floor, but who knows?
Thanks to another thread on here, I'm working on a short (22 minutes) before I concentrate on my first feature. The title for the short hasn't been decided yet. It's a fictionalized story of the guy that killed a friend of mine. My buddy was a cop and he was murdered by a car thief in the parking lot of my condo more than 20 years ago. The premise of the movie is to make the killer the main character, but still have the audience hate him. I'm in the process of visualizing the more technical shots that I want and figuring out how I'm going to get them. I realized that I have to get the audience emotionally invested in the fictional character inspired by my buddy before his murder. Because of that, I have decided to throw the three act structure out of the window. The story breakdown is that we get to know my buddy and see him a devoted family man, a good cop and a wonderful human being. Then he's murdered and the story shifts to the killer and we follow him around as he proves what a worthless bit of scum he is all of the way up until his fatal decision to attempt to shoot his way through a couple of dozen heavily armed cops, resulting in his inevitable death. There will be a pursuit requiring the closing of a highway for a few hours. On the up side, there is a little used six lane highway that the parish (what we call counties) has shown a willingness to close for film production in the past. The pursuit ends with the killer's tires being taken out with a spike strip which leads to a shootout and I'm anticipating a couple of hundred rounds being fired. Obviously, I'll use blanks for that. I will have to obtain two of the exact same car so that I can take one to a friendly shooting range and have a couple dozen of my buddies shoot that crap out of it.
Over the years I've mastered the art of buying audio/video/film equipment and cluttering up my basement office and then working on other peoples projects. My writing has always been for myself. This past year or so I've focused on writing so others can easily read my work and writing something that can actually be shot on a low budget.

I recently finished up a semi-polished first draft of a "Suspense" feature. Hopefully my new sparse writing style has left enough room for other directors to envision their own interpretation of the story.
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well, i'm still trying to get Evade funded, but it looks like I am about to give up filming as a whole. Too hard to get money, (thank you economy) and I'm not going to just scrounge up a few thousand bucks and see what I can do.

Didn't mean to be negative here, just realistic.
Currently shooting a 20 minute horror/comedy short. Photography will wrap at the end of October but expect post to run until late Spring. I have a 3 minute short I shot in July that I need to find time to shoot some pick ups for but it's low priority. Our last feature, Roman's Bride, is finishing its festival run so we have to get the DVD ready for release after Thanksgiving. Also shooting a Snow Plower documentary in Wisconsin through parts of January and February unless the blizzards come earlier. If the hor/com short we're shooting at the moment gets finished in late Spring like we hope there is talk about beginning our next narrative feature, but that's a ways off.

Great thread. It's awesome that everyone is so busy.