Reading around a little, I am a little embarrassed at my rhapsodic tone regarding Winning Time. I forgot to mention that the show has lots of "this is so bad it's good" moments. Many of its still-alive-and-well subjects have weighed in, mostly with: what a load of crap.
Kareem writes:
I disagree with Mr. Abdul-Jabbar, when he says the show is "drearily dull," but I agree with him about everything else. I don't like a lot of historical fiction stuff when it just, toward no real end, makes chit up. Like Ron Howard's ridiculous depiction of John Nash in A Beautiful Mind. It bugs me that Mr. Nash is now famous as the guy who Opie made a movie about, as opposed to the visionary mathematician he was. But I (wait, what were we talking about?) digress.
(and, adding later, I like Ron Howard--didn't like that I made fun. A rare child star who survived being one, and, seemingly, a decent guy.)
Kareem writes:
Here's his whole post:The characters are crude stick-figure representations that resemble real people the way Lego Hans Solo resembles Harrison Ford. Each character is reduced to a single bold trait as if the writers were afraid anything more complex would tax the viewers’ comprehension. Jerry Buss is Egomaniac Entrepreneur, Jerry West is Crazed Coach, Magic Johnson is Sexual Simpleton, I’m Pompous Prick. They are caricatures, not characters. Amusement park portraits that emphasize one physical feature to amplify your appearance—but never touching the essence.

"Winning Time" Isn’t Just Deliberately Dishonest, It’s Drearily Dull
How did so many talented people go so terribly wrong?

I disagree with Mr. Abdul-Jabbar, when he says the show is "drearily dull," but I agree with him about everything else. I don't like a lot of historical fiction stuff when it just, toward no real end, makes chit up. Like Ron Howard's ridiculous depiction of John Nash in A Beautiful Mind. It bugs me that Mr. Nash is now famous as the guy who Opie made a movie about, as opposed to the visionary mathematician he was. But I (wait, what were we talking about?) digress.
(and, adding later, I like Ron Howard--didn't like that I made fun. A rare child star who survived being one, and, seemingly, a decent guy.)
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