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Honestly kind of hard to find a good sitcom these days. I miss the 80s/90s In some ways. It was an era of carefree optimism.

I'm rewatching Brooklyn99, great vibes

nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I'm almost done with season 2... it's interesting to see Tony Danza do random stunts in this show.
He will vault over couches and stuff, I learned he was professional boxer before acting.

Angela Bower is one fashion disaster after another

It looks like they violently attacked her hair with a brush

The Simpsons GIF

Mona Robinson is late 50s, same age as two of the golden girls, but she has a timeless, youthful fashion

I'm enjoying the Dune series more than I expected, although... would it kill them to add some color?
Maybe a vase with some flowers or something, idk.

Declan Harp from Frontier


And uhhh... this is Desmond Hart from Dune

Did they seriously just copy the character from frontier and change his name from Declan Harp into Desmond Hart 😅

Inspire Ben Affleck GIF by Complex
would it kill them to add some color?
I see this in a lot of movies & series - they figure it needs to be ALL dark if the story is dark/serious/whatever.
(A) it's overkill and (B) I like when dark things are portrayed as happening on bright sunny days. We KNOW that happens (anyone who was in NYC on 9/11 can tell you that) and it's a great contrast between what we're set up for and what happens. Besides, wars take place all year round :)
I see this in a lot of movies & series - they figure it needs to be ALL dark if the story is dark/serious/whatever.
(A) it's overkill and (B) I like when dark things are portrayed as happening on bright sunny days. We KNOW that happens (anyone who was in NYC on 9/11 can tell you that) and it's a great contrast between what we're set up for and what happens. Besides, wars take place all year round :)

The worst part is that there's multiple planets!
At least give one of them some color.
I signed up for $2/month peacock deal with commercials - I do not miss these things.

Leave your brain at the door for this video game adaptation, it really excels at ending episodes on cliffhangers.
It has a good cast with will arnett, anthony macky, and steaphanie beatriz

It's WATCHABLE but the target demographic is probably teenage boys 3/5

OMG Dune HBO added a decorative lemon tree to this weeks episode.

Kate Mckinnon Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
We're watching "Elementary". I didn't have TV or streaming back when it first came out, so watching it on Amazon Prime right now. Love what they've done with the Holmes character.
Finished series finale of What we do in the Shadows - they had 4 different endings to choose whichever one you prefer 😆

Hell Yeah Comedy GIF by What We Do in the Shadows

I finished Vikings and Dune Prophecy, two series starring Travis Fimmel
Both series started stronger than they ended, but were enjoyable

Travis Fimmel GIF by The Roku Channel

I had a lot of problems with Season 6 of vikings, especially how they concluded Bjorn's storyline.
Also finished my rewatched of Brooklyn 99
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Incredible casting on Pete Davidson's peacock TV show Bupkis.

Joe Pesci as grandfather, Edie Flaco as mother, Brad Garrett (Everybody Loves Raymond Brother) is funny as always, Charlie Day as a therapist
This is the best performance by bobby cannavale since the station agent in 2003. He's so good, but only in the first two episodes.

The show was renewed for Season 2, but pete davidson doesn't want to do it.
Ya know, Pete, if you didn't want to do a season 2 maybe DON'T END ON A FUCKING CLIFFHANGER ENDING yah??

you don't deserve to have your own show if thats how you treat your audience.

American Primeval is great.

I dislike westerns and their stupid dusty saloons, this series has a lot more wilderness and indians.
Personally I haven't seen Taylor Kitsch since his Waco miniseries and he's done a great job in both
I've been debating checking out American Primeval, so thanks for that @sfoster

I finished the 6th and final episode today - the finale was slower pacing than the first five episodes, and had a mediocre ending with unanswered questions that was rather unsatisfying. I wish they stuck the landing better, but still glad I watched it. In particular the battle scenes were beautifully chaotic and well done.
I like Sean William Scott, and I watched all of 2 Broke Girls and Home Improvement, so sure I'll give this a shot

Shifting Gears

I watched three episodes... it's kinda slow, no huge laughs, very very little of Sean William Scott.
Way too mediocre. Wish they kept Lethal Weapon going for a season 4 with SWS instead.


Very high up on the Hulu watch list, and james marsden was great in the juror show, so sure, I'll check this out.

Well, it turns out, James Marsden is playing the president of the USA, and that was too much politics for me lol.
I didn't make it through the first episode.