series What movie would make a good TV series...


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...based around one of the characters, the full cast, the plot, a continuance of the story, prequel, or similar?
I'm going to go with Michael Mann's Heat, I think the dichotomy of good vs. evil or cop vs. robber would be interesting as a series, following the lives of both main characters, cheering for one, the other, or both, and learning how they are similar and flawed, etc.
Also, Sunset Boulevard. Let's see what Joe Gillis is scheming on a daily basis. Let's see how Norma deals with it. We need to delve deeper into each of their lives, independently and relationally.
Me either 😭 I wouldn't watch it. I just wondered why it never made it to TV.
Casino>Las Vegas

Goodfellas>The Sopranos


The Great Escape>Hogans Heroes

The Mysterious Island>Lost


Lethal Weapon>Sledgehammer

Shawshank Redemption>Prison Break

Day of the Dead>The Walking Dead

Mean Girls>Beverly Hills 90210


The Flash>The Flash

King Solomon's Mines>Tales of the Gold Monkey

Romancing the stone>Bring Em Back Alive

Twilight>The Vampire Chronicles

Buffy the Vampire Slayer>Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Johnny Pneumotic>Altered Carbon

Close Encounters of the Third Kind>The X files

The Breakfast Club>Community

Back to the Future> Rick and Morty

Nick of time>24

and so on,

I think a lot of ideas get transferred from movie to tv show format, They just change a few things like the name and don't pay for the IP license.
Yeah well that's not the question 😂 what do YOU think WOULD make a good series?
They just change a few things like the name and don't pay for the IP license.
Okay PRETEND it's paid for.
The final scene of "The Day of the Condor" has the assassin telling the Robert Redford character that his work can be satisfying. I had always thought that this was a backdoor pilot, where the assassin would take Robert Redford under his wing and, in the various episodes, go through the political intrigues of the spy world.
Needless to say, I wouldn't want contemporary Hollywood to despoil any of these, but in a better world, theoretically, these could be interesting, even very interesting.

The Crazies. The Walking Dead has probably exhausted the genre, but, hypothetically.

While we're on zombies, how about The Night Eats the World? I bet you haven't seen it. I recommend it. It's currently on Prime. I need to rewatch it.

This franchise might be spent, but possibly an Underworld series. You'd need someone as hot and fetching as Kate Beckinsale to get and keep my attention, though.

Hellboy is an obvious one, given it started as a serialized comic book. Being realistic for a moment, I don't imagine it would have enough of an audience to establish an adequate budget or have adequate ratings to justify it financially.

The Thing, either, and both, the original and the prequel. Okay, so The Thing is about to wipe out terrestrial life on Earth. How does that unfold? Grim stuff, and maybe that's fine for a horror and a creature feature. But, if you want a happy ending, maybe ASI or breakthroughs in biological science save the day, and terrestrial life on Earth, in the end.

Shortbus. I dare you. Maybe a series for the premium channels/services such as HBO, Starz, et al. Adult, for mature audiences, lots of sex and nudity…big, ensemble cast, maybe, or maybe something more intimate to keep it manageable. Could be a lot of fun, even moving, like the feature film. If it didn't go well, though, it would cast a shadow on the film, which I wouldn't want; and that, of course, is pretty much guaranteed. New York stories.

Silence of the Lambs franchise. Clarice Starling is effectively dead, or a zombie, in the hands of Dr. Hannibal Lecter—and that's how it should stay! I'm thinking there might be other potentialities. I'm thinking of a show centered around Jack Crawford. He or he and his team could solve mysteries from episode to episode, etc. My memory of him is foggy. Did he die or retire or something in the second or third book? It'd likely be set during his earlier career, before the events of the books and movies.

The Conversation. I'm sure you could do some fun stuff with the deep state, CIA, etc. Maybe he'd thwart a third or a fourth or a whichever assassination attempt on the president, if you know what I mean, etc.

As Good as it Gets. Sitcom.

Solomon Kane.

Winters Bone
. This could be fucking awesome and groundbreaking. I feel it in my bones. Then again, it may not have an audience, at all. Tick tock.

Silent Hill. What all went on there? Or, maybe the continuing adventures of?

Big Night. An obscure film and a real gem. Italian-American dramedy.

The Descendants. Family drama. I'd love to spend more time with that cast and with that setting. Of course, that cast isn't going to do the TV show, so it's likely a non starter.
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