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What is your favorite football movie, or sports movie?

I haven't seen any of those. Remember the Titans is the only football movie that comes to my mind. Not my favorite kind of film, but it was good.

Oh and 'The Little Giants.' I don't think I could stomach it as an adult, but I freakin' loved it as a kid. Almost as good as The Mighty Ducks.
Paper Lion with Allen Alda was pretty good.

The original Longest Yard.

Varsity Blues

I'll think os some more before its through.
No love for "On Any Given Sunday"? It's not my favorite, but it's worth mentioning.

"Rudy" and "Remember the Titans", as have been mentioned, are very deserving. What about "Friday Night Lights"? "The Blind Side"? "We are Marshall"? "Varsity Blues"?

By far, though, the number-one movie that was glaringly left of this list, as it is a generational classic --

"Water Boy"!!!!!!
No love for "On Any Given Sunday"? It's not my favorite, but it's worth mentioning.

"Rudy" and "Remember the Titans", as have been mentioned, are very deserving. What about "Friday Night Lights"? "The Blind Side"? "We are Marshall"? "Varsity Blues"?

By far, though, the number-one movie that was glaringly left of this list, as it is a generational classic --

"Water Boy"!!!!!!

+1 Waterboy.
Ok, so for some reason, I only noticed "football" in the title, the first time I read this. Now that we're including all sports movies, geez. I'm not sure if I've got time for a list like that. Just a few off the top of my head.

Million Dollar Baby
Cinderella Man
Rocky (all of them, except 5)
Bad News Bears (both, but I actually like the remake better, sue me)
Major League
Bull Durham
Field of Dreams
Coach Carter
When We Were Kings
Tin Cup
Happy Gilmore
Billy Elliot (sports movie?)
Legend of Bagger Vance (seriously underrated)
Cool Running
Bend it Like Beckham
Talledega Nights
Karate Kid (even the remake is good)

Okay, I started by listing them off the top of my head, but then I got into it and googled. If there are any big ones that you think I left off, it probably means I haven't seen it (Raging Bull being one such glaring example). Anyway, these are the ones that I particularly like.
Okay, I started by listing them off the top of my head, but then I got into it and googled. If there are any big ones that you think I left off, it probably means I haven't seen it (Raging Bull being one such glaring example). Anyway, these are the ones that I particularly like.

The Natural with Robert Redford comes to mind.
ok.... u cant have a sports film and not mention Without Limits......and for the record Bagger Vance is a movie i watch constantly.....

but best football film is.......... Necessary Roughness..... hahahaha love that film
Karate Kid (1984)
Rocky Balboa
Bad News Bears (1976) I hate remakes we NOW have to know the exact year the good one was made :(
Any Given Sunday (I'll admit to it being a favorite. It is Oliver Stone...)
Brian's Song
Bull Durham
Rocky (people forget it won best picture and screenplay)

Some from back in the day.....
Bingo Long's Travelling All-Stars and MotorKings
Breaking Away (cycling)
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh

CaddyShack! a Classic!

-- spinner :cool:
If you want to go with sports in general - and baseball specifically - how about:

Pride of the Yankees
The Sandlot
Field of Dreams
A League of Their Own
The Natural
Eight Men Out
Bull Durham
For Love of the Game
It Happened in Flatbush
The Stratton Story
The Pride of St. Louis

Silly and just for fun:

Major League
Rookie of the Year
Angels in the Outfield (both versions)
The Bad News Bears
Mr. Baseball
Little Big League
Blue Skies Again

And some more boxing:

Raging Bull
Somebody Up There Likes Me
Cinderella Man
The Hurricane
Requiem for a Heavyweight
The Great White Hope
They Made Me a Criminal

Some more football:

Knute Rockne All American (Famous for Ronald Reagans line "Win one for the Gipper.")

And some others:

Cool Runnings
Chariots of Fire
Glory Road
Breaking Away
Rollerball (Original)
Woman of the Year
Pat and Mike
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