Watched this thing on HBO (fine, max), a concert movie. The group was the Ga-Gas, or the Ga-Ga lady, (or something like that) and it consisted of one woman, just a drum (I think) and a whole shite-ton of dancers, all making faces at the camera. The thing was in a stadium and it was SRO--literally, an entire stadium of people, fifty thousand plus, all standing through the whole concert.
I didn't mind the lady, but i couldn't imagine what it was about her that inspired such stamina, and such, it seemed, adoration. The songs were mostly forgettable, with self-important lyrics ane virtually no musicianship, no musicality, no melody. They seemed to be mostly one repeated note, more like operatic recitative than songs
Again, I didn't mind, had no real opinion, it was all fine, who cares, it's, you know, kids. And I didn't actually watch the whole thing anyway, but just skipped around it a litlle, just enough to get an idea of what it was about. And then, as an antidote, skipped around a little on the you tube until i found this. And this lady, unlike the ga ga lady, made me move, want to sing, made me, a bit, this morning, happy
And parenthetically, some time ago, bumming around Europe with a rail pass, I too wandered down the Champs-Élysées, and it was exactly as Joni, here, says: I felt unfettered and alive.