announcement Welcome to indietalk 3.0!


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member

Thank you for your patience! It was a lot of work but we are back, with the 3rd incarnation of indietalk! (est. 2003)

If you see this and you cannot login, you must use email now, not your username. If you need assistance, contact us.

Lots of new features, so please settle in and take a look around. We have more concentrated categories. Bookmarks. Mentions. A Video Gallery, and more! We are still fine tuning and adding even MORE features so stay tuned! But that is all for now.

Thanks for making this place what it is... the best filmmaking forum on the net! Any issues please let us know. We hope you enjoy!
If you were worried, you care, so thanks!
Wow, wasn't expecting such a drastic overhaul!

It's testament to, even though I haven't been posting much the past couple of years, how often I check in on the site that I had been eagerly awaiting and praying for its return. Looks great, fab job IT!
As a rule, I'm not a fan of sites that launch into a new, improved "enhanced user experience" (gimme back my Windows 3.1 :bow: ) so having only just decided to become more active on the site after years of lurking, I was deeply traumatised by the announcement that you were going to go down that path! :scared: But you're the exception that proves the rule - sincere thanks for sticking to an old-style forum format. :cheers:
Thank you for that input. We put a lot of work into it (years, going back to the research) and polled users on what they want the site to be, and how they value old posts etc. We took everything and everyone into consideration and chose the proper platform and customized it to our (and your) needs. We made the site future-ready but also kept the soul of indietalk. It's like an old school/new school hybrid and I'm glad the reception has been positive. Enjoy!