When was the last time you read/saw/heard about a mafia chase/meeting?? No my friend, when it is done in the proper manner, you never hear of it. Only the results are seen, and they are accepted as normal....point being: The vulneralbility and the extraordinary events that cause people to reevaluate their lives might not be the warm and cuddly that you might have had in mind. Just might be, that the baddies win in the end.
I am all for the baddies winning. I'd be perfectly willing to have every character in every thread receive their letter and find out that they haven't been chosen. It's more the 'mafia' business that I don't like so much...
...but wheat is right, it's too early to start poo pooing ideas and I apologise for that. What I would suggest as a compromise is maybe thinking around the idea of petty criminals, rather than mafia. I just think there are conotations to that word/group that might imbalance the picture.
Murdock said:I was being serious but certainly didn't want to come off as confrantational. Sorry if I did.
Just remember the smiley next time, ok?

I'd, ideally, like to get a broader cross section of people weighing in on this. Obviously we can see who the core support are and I think we've come up with some really good ideas but we're in danger of isolating ourselves with one train of thought. So I would implore anyone who's reading this (whether or not they can be bothered to read any of the previous posts (skip to page one to read the basic idea)) to tell us whether we're all talking shit or whether there are any other ideas we should be considering?