This is all rather interesting to watch come together. You guys are really going to do this, aren't you? Has it been agreed upon how long of a piece it is to be?
This is all rather interesting to watch come together. You guys are really going to do this, aren't you? Has it been agreed upon how long of a piece it is to be?
I think anything we're going to do is going to fall roughly in the drama category, simply because I don't thi k comedy will work for this. Whether we go for a supernatural element is another question. The two recurring ideas that we have so far are zombies and uterine plague.
I have another idea, just throwing something out that roughly works with wheats simplicity doctrine, but it's kind of dystopian so might have an element of sic-fi.
In an alternate future organ donations are chosen by a global lottery, so the film would follow different groups of people waiting (successfully and unsuccessfully) to find out whether they've been selected as one of the lucky winners. I don't know if anyone's read a book by Kazuo Ishiguro called Never Let Me Go but the idea could work like at: a ingle dramatic premise (nothing to outlandish or horrible) but bound together by some form of recognizably similar world. I think it's going to be important to chose one overriding world theme, and this might be quite difficult with just straight drama.
What can link different groups of people around the world?
I already have a great senario for this!![]()
It's basically a brief of the ideas, but there was a list in the other thread regarding the participation...
What are our choices, so that i can make the thread?
You could start a blog, so the thread wouldn't get as much traffic. Those that are interested can go there. You could have one entry for the ideas for the movie. Two could be an entry for participation, where interested parties could leave their names in the comment section. A third entry could be for technical criteria. What format we plan to record in etc..............Then in the forums we could leave one thread explaining what it is and where to find the Blog.
Just a thought??
Hmmm, I'd have no idea how to do that. BUT, if the rest of the folks are up for it, then it sounds wise. Although, we'd have to keep the thread active, for the sake of those who want to participate, but aren't aware. is the way to go!
Okay, let's wait to see if everyone would like to do that. Then i'll have a go.
I vote new thread!