I've been to Sundance only nce - not showing, but watching. I spent a week seeing everything I could get into. And I have to admit I left dumbfounded. Some movies I loved. It was the year Napoleon Dynamite and SuperSizeMe. Saw the Butterfly Effect premiere, The Woodsman, Garden State, Primer and Eulogy. Enjoyed all of those (except for maybe the Woodsman), but between those I saw a lot of crap and mind numbingly boring, moody go nowhere stuff. But to be honest, that's festivals.
We all have the stuff that appeals to us. Our fine tuned cultured niche that we love and that inspires us to make our own. I am sure there are people who think that video is probably the greatest thing they ever saw. Hell, I know my wife doesn't get half the movies I drool over. The fact that it made it into Sundance actually makes me feel better. That amid all of their giant budget celebrity studded mainstream "indies," and pretentious self indulgent docu-bio pics, that stuff like that still gets through. That piece made someone there smile enough to push to get it in the schedule.
That's actually pretty cool.