You can also greenscreen an @ss. Or at least talk about it.
Is that a guantlet being thrown?!
I may break with the thread's unspoken code of conduct and ACTUALLY PRODUCE SOMETHING representing that!
Butt, let me assk if I need to color correct or color grade my windowside talking greenscreen @ss lit by indoor lights?
Does it
fecal matter if it's a north, south, east, west facing window?
What about the time of day?
What about if it's sunny or cloudy?
What if it's partly cloudy, doo I doo it different than if it's mostly sunny?
Does north or south hemisphere matter?
Doesn't matter.
I don't have a window I feel comfortable beside talking out of my @ss with. I'm not very good at it.
Maybe I can greenscreen the window.
How doo I light the greenscreen?
What shade of green
fecesshould I use?
By the way, how many minutes of me talking out of my @ss would you be interested in watching?