Mmhmm, I meant that I think the ending that has Elizabeth taking herself and David into the heart of Olympus is a good one, I guess, ...and flying off in one of those cool looking Engineer spaceships, no less.
I didn't I mind the showing of the birth of the first(?) Alien-Alien. Not the high point of the film, but probably more-or-less obligatory. Kind of begs some interesting scifi questions. Is Elizabeth sort of the mother of the killer aliens?
I agree about the Engineers looking like giant body builders. That crossed my mind too at the beginning. On the other hand, they looked fairly believable and cool. And after all, if it's correct to suppose that they've been engineering themselves...well, wouldn't you engineer yourselves to be big and strong? So...hmmm.
Some things I don't care for about the story/film:
1. I also and still do not like the chariots of the gods premise. But they way they did it, it really didn't bother me either or prevent me from enjoying the movie when it came down to it. At least they didn't ask us to believe that they built the pyramids. I'm not really bothered by the idea that they're undermining three-hundred years of Darwinian science. I don't know that our scientific understanding of evolution requires that life on Earth had to have been initiated without the help of aliens. So I don't think they're undermining much. They seem simply to be suggesting that the Engineers brought DNA and whatever else. It's probably nothing humans (our variety) won't do if they ever get the chance.
2. Having one of their own (the Engineers) drink the goop and then break apart seems like an awfully silly way to seed the planet. But perhaps it was the choice made because it was a relatively simple way to portray it cinematically, not pushing the budget up to 3 mill, or something.
3. I could do without the faith stuff. But how they handled it was fine, really as just a characteristic of one of its leads. So one of the characters, a scientist, is for some reason also a person of faith? It was palatable enough I guess. But what will they do with that in the next film? Where will they take it? Will they take it further and ask the audience to accept something further? If so, I'm sure I won't appreciate it. But, judging by this first film, I'm guessing they'll be a little smarter than that.
4. I'm not a big fan of the humans/science should not "play God" trope. It has its place, I guess.
I didn't mind the monster fetus thingie looking squid-like. It more-or-less matures into a giant facehugger, so it probably shouldn't look much different from one.
So, these Engineers created us and then decided to exterminate us. Elizabeth emphatically asks the lone surviving Engineer why. Okay. But please, please, please, please, please, please, oh God, please say it won't turn out to be because we're not good enough stewards of the Earth, make to much acid rain, cause global warming, etc etc etc! Please keep the story true to the title and the premise. Please let it be because of something along the lines of... the Engineers are jealous of the their status in the cosmos, and they don't want to share it with our upstart species --which is catching up with them. Uh! Anyway, aaanything other than the former.