Does anyone else agree that a movie starring the Transvestite Alien Michael Jackson Thing would be better than all the prequels put together?
I hardly care anymore.
I'm much more hopeful about the supposed stand-alone films.
Really, sort of like being in tune with being sick of Hollywood's rebooting origin stories of super heroes, I'd much rather them forget about all the old crap that's come before (thinking of the bad taste left in my mouth from the prequels), clear the slate, and give us something new and reinvigorated for a stinkin change!
Maybe what I'm really wishing for is a new Star Wars that's
not Star Wars. Yeah, maybe it would have been better, for my two cents, if Disney would spend their millions and billions of dollars on a
new space opera. Maybe it'd be better if Star Wars was allowed to die.
I'm starting to worry that this is going to be like one of those professional athletes who should retire, but isn't willing to accept that age has caught up with him, and it's only going to get sadder.
Sorry, I guess that sounds rather grumpy.
* * * * *
At first I thought, yeah, JJ Abrams, a great talent who could rescue Star Wars from itself.
But now, no, wait a minute.
J.J., listen to me. Have you signed on the dotted line yet? Wait. If you haven't, don't. Listen to me. You're in your prime. You already have one and probably two awesome Star Trek films under you belt. You can do better than sink with the ailing Star Wars franchise. You
could be a part of creating a
new space opera saga that doesn't
need rescuing. One that isn't weighted down and poisoned by what has become a stultifying and soulless exercise in accreting more toy sales for its owners.
Think of
Lost. Did you inherit that burden from your overlords Lucas or Disney? No! You and your collaborators built that hit TV show with your own sweat, blood, and tears.
You don't need Star Wars. What does Star Wars have that's so valuable? It has lightsabers, that's what. Lightsabers...that's it! (And Harrison Ford). Now, lighsabers are cool. Lightsabers will always be cool. But is that an excuse to throw our hands up and give up? Is that an excuse to accept all of the rest of the schlock and to not try to do anything new? Hell no! Screw lightsabers! (And, damn mortality, but Harrison has gotten old, hasn't he?). So, for how long must we live in the shadow of the lightsaber (and of Harrison Ford)?
In twentty-one hundred and fifty C.E., are we really going to discount the option of creating a new space opera story because lightsabers (and Harrison Ford) have already been taken? I certainly efing hope not! Same damn thing is true today!
Lightsabers. That's really all that Star Wars gots.
J.J., listen to me. I know the paycheck they've offered you is well-nigh irresistible. I know this is coming from someone who doesn't have any to speak of. But listen to me, I isn't everything.
Bolt! Run! Get outta there!
Sorry for the caps.