Now that Disney owns Star Wars ...

I don't think it's really any weirder than any other genre Director, it's simply 'weird' because of the consistent rivalry between ST and SW.

Maybe SW7 will be a re-boot... SW in a parallel universe? ;)
I don't think it's really any weirder than any other genre Director, it's simply 'weird' because of the consistent rivalry between ST and SW.

Maybe SW7 will be a re-boot... SW in a parallel universe? ;)

Boba Fett travels back in time, well before any of the prequels. He tracks down Mace Windu, pre-Jedi, still a child, and decapitates his father in front of him. Mace Windu never becomes Jedi, thereby never confronting the Sith lord, thereby not giving the Sith lord an opportunity to let Annakin fully release his anger. New timeline. :D

I don't think it's weird to have Abrams helm both Star ____ franchises. I've never really understood the alleged rivalry between the two franchises. I'm a pretty nerdy guy, and I love both. And all of my nerd friends also like both. Who are these people that latch onto one, but hate the other? I'm sure they exist, but I've never met one.
Oh no you don't. Mace Windu chopping Boba Fett's head off was verrrry satisfying, one of the best parts of the prequels. =)

And anyway, and in that case, why not just have Boba Fett travel back in time and kill Annakin's father before he can conceive and unleash upon the universe that whiny, bitchy brat who will consequently never turn evil etc etc etc?

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Oh no you don't. Mace Windu chopping Boba Fett's head off was verrrry satisfying, one of the best parts of the prequels. =)

And anyway, and in that case, why not just have Boba Fett travel back in time and kill Annakin's father before he can conceive and unleash upon the universe that whiny, bitchy brat who will consequently never turn evil etc etc etc?

Heh. No, I was referencing Abram's Star Trek. Bad guy witnesses his home planet blow up, blames Spock, travels back in time just to force Spock to watch him blow up Spock's home planet. Same thing, except decapitation of dad.

Heck, if they wanted to please fans, they'd find a way to kill Jar Jar.

Also, sorry, but I gotta pull your Star Wars Nerd card. You must be a Trekker. ;)

Annakin didn't have a father. He's like a really F'd up Jesus, except instead of a Holy Spirit, he had midichlorians.

EDIT: Oh, and funny side-story. I saw Episode II in a packed theater, 4AM showing, not-quite-but-almost opening night. I don't think there was a single sober person in the audience. I was dressed as Boba Fett (a really crappy costume, made out of cardboard and duct-tape). When Windu decapitated Jango, the entire theater erupted in cheer. Except for me. I loudly screamed, "NOOOOOOO!!!", which of course elicited a bunch of laughter from the seats around me. I wasn't faking it. That scene was a knife in my heart.

Go to hell, Mace Windu! I'm glad Annakin threw you out of the window!
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Stop hating on Lucas. I didn't mind his modern re-makes but of course if you compare them to the original you'll be disgusted. At the end of the day, star wars will and always be the vision of George Lucas and he shouldn't be hated so much for his own creation because hardcore fans (including myself) found the new films displeasing. Anyway. J.J. Abrams will probably over-kill the film with too many disgusting lens flares, but will put a modern touch on the story so I'm sure everyone will like it and it will have a nice solid rating of 3.5 / 5 just after release. And Disney with release a crap console game with twenty mission like a water down version of force unleashed.
Also, sorry, but I gotta pull your Star Wars Nerd card. You must be a Trekker. ;)

Annakin didn't have a father. He's like a really F'd up Jesus, except instead of a Holy Spirit, he had midichlorians.

:lol: You're right, of course, you got me. I was thinking about that myself after I posted about his father. I willingly throw myself upon your mercy.

Ug. By the way, I don't know about you, but the virgin birth thing with Annakin is pretty groan worthy for me. Oy.

So true about Jar Jar

EDIT: Oh, and funny side-story. I saw Episode II in a packed theater, 4AM showing, not-quite-but-almost opening night. I don't think there was a single sober person in the audience. I was dressed as Boba Fett (a really crappy costume, made out of cardboard and duct-tape). When Windu decapitated Jango, the entire theater erupted in cheer. Except for me. I loudly screamed, "NOOOOOOO!!!", which of course elicited a bunch of laughter from the seats around me. I wasn't faking it. That scene was a knife in my heart.

Go to hell, Mace Windu! I'm glad Annakin threw you out of the window!

That's a funny...and a sad story. Oh oh oh, idea! Make a song and a video about could call it, "Cry for [EDIT] Jango Fett," or something. :P

Boba's clone daddy.

(No ST nerdz here, ahem.) ;)

Oh riiiiiiiiight, duh! Looks like I've been really sloppy . Thanks for the correction, Rayw.
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:lol: You're right, of course, you got me. I was thinking about that myself after I posted about his father. I willingly throw myself upon your mercy.

Ug. By the way, I don't know about you, but the virgin birth thing with Annakin is pretty groan worthy for me. Oy.

VERY groan-worthy. Ugh, indeed! Okay, I overreacted, slip-ups can happen, card reinstated. ;)
Ug. By the way, I don't know about you, but the virgin birth thing with Annakin is pretty groan worthy for me. Oy.

The entirety of just about everything that happened after the original saga was released on video was pretty groan worthy to me ;)

I do not care for tampered DVD versions, prequels and all the rest of it..
I think Sith Lord returns, Luke is an old man, his two sons are training Jedi's and one turns to the dark side, kind of like a Kane and Abel stry. But defo do something that moves the series onwards. If they do something like 'The adventures of Obi-wan and Anakin' I'll be dissapointed.
I saw that they were gonna start doing stand-alone movies, starring specific characters...

they NEED to do one starring: with my appreciation of Snyder before Nick's loathing of Snyder...

Rumor-riffic, but could totally work, and appropriate. A New Hope is the Hidden Fortress with a new coat of paint after all. And I'm not saying that as an insult to Lucas as it is usually said. And who doesn't love a Seven Samurai remake!
I saw that they were gonna start doing stand-alone movies, starring specific characters...

they NEED to do one starring:

Does anyone else agree that a movie starring the Transvestite Alien Michael Jackson Thing would be better than all the prequels put together?