Now that Disney owns Star Wars ...

Disneyland is for kids. I'm quite positive that the kids who visit Disneyland will not think that seeing Vader, in real life, will "cheapen" their movie-going experience.

Besides, Vader is dead; we won't be seeing him in any more episodes, so it's whatever.
Ah man... no B-movie spinoffs?

Vader's Revenge

Vader In Hell

Vader VS The Spider Queen (Also takes place in Hell)
Well, they did a good job with Iron Man and the Avengers, so I'll keep an open mind.

No, they didn't. Marvel did a good job with those movies. Disney only supplies the money (and makes the money). Marvel makes the movies. And that is the same way things are working with Lucasfilm. Disney owns them. But each Star Wars movie will be a Lucasfilm production, not a Disney production.
wait, wait, 8 pages of posts and no one has posted this:

Super happy that Kasdan is on board! :yes:

Working on the screenplay, Lawrence Kasdan is. A good choice, I think they've made. :D

Lawrence Kasdan would be a good choice. The link says he's also working on a Han Solo prequel, on the runner's younger days, as well as other proposals regarding Bobba Fett. These would not be Ep 7, 8, or 9, so I'm wondering how far the franchise can be stretched.

Disney should also get back the license for making video games, so as to have a fully-integrated franchise.
Disney should also get back the license for making video games, so as to have a fully-integrated franchise.

Last I read, Disney hasn't given up any rights to anything Star Wars. They just decided to fire LucasArts, and hire EA to take over all future video games. I think that was a very smart move, cuz EA is the tits.
Release date confirmed for December 18 2015.
What is that? days to go?

Personally I think a separate Han Solo saga would be pretty sweet, but that's a big role to try and fill. Wonder who they'd get to play the young Han? Hey, maybe a prequel could show the infamous 12 parsec Kessel run??? That'd be cool.* :D

*Definition of 'cool' may vary from person to person.
Release date confirmed for December 18 2015.
What is that? days to go?

Personally I think a separate Han Solo saga would be pretty sweet, but that's a big role to try and fill. Wonder who they'd get to play the young Han? Hey, maybe a prequel could show the infamous 12 parsec Kessel run??? That'd be cool.* :D

*Definition of 'cool' may vary from person to person.

Officially released on Dec. 18th, there will of course be early screenings on the 17th. Which just so happens to be my 40th birthday! Woohoooo!!!

A friend at work mentioned to me that he'd appreciate them showing some aside about how he was able to pull off the Kessel run in 12 parsecs (which is of course a measurement of distance, not time). But I think I like you're idea better -- they should make an entire movie about it! :)
Disney now owns 'Indiana Jones' as well!!!

Of course, Disney has owned Indiana Jones production rights since 2012, when the studio acquired LucasFilm. Until now, though, Paramount possessed marketing and distribution rights. Those now belong to Disney, making the process of making and releasing future Indiana Jones films much easier — not to mention more likely.

Who'd have thought Disney had so much money???

I don't care what you say about 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', I'm still hoping for a fifth movie. :D
....I actually LIKED Crystal Skull.....

