Now that Disney owns Star Wars ...

... what should it do to restore the legacy of the franchise? I would undo all the tinkering GL has been doing, and perhaps redo the prequels.

What would you do?

Restore the legacy of the franchise?

Disney only does one thing: Squeeze every last dollar out of a franchise it possibly can. Disney is honestly the LAST company that should have been given access to this franchise because they will (IMHO) abuse it forever.

Don't bother expecting great things in the future of the franchise, it'll only exist to make cash, no matter if it's good, bad, worthless or whatever.

I can go on forever about how bad a deal this was, but I honestly don't believe that all the billions that Lucas says he's going to receive he's going to donate to charity. Yeah, the Star Wars-aholics Anonymous and Lucas is the only member.
Lucas finally giving up creative control of SW was the smartest thing he ever did, financially and artisically.

The undeniable fact is that ever since EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, the SW "universe" has always fared better when he hired more talented people to create the stories while he took on the role of "ultimate authority" that gave his thumb up or thumb down to projects. He stupidly abandoned this policy for the prequels, and turned in three of the dullest sci-fi CGI fests in movie history. If only he had handed off writing-directing duties, he could have had critical and audience respect AND his billions of profits.

I am not very optimistic about the upcoming Disney-SW films, but who knows? They might actually transcend Disney's $$$$ motivations and be watchable cinema.
In my opinion, the Star Trek films balance CG and story well. I think the acting and writing is very well done compared to many remakes, sequels, and prequels.
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Abrams is going to direct Episode 7, and, with what he's been doing with ST, I'm not optimistic either.

Actually, what he did with Trek makes me very confident that he'll do a great job with Ep. VII considering that the new Trek movies are just Star Wars movies with different costumes.
The entirety of just about everything that happened after the original saga was released on video was pretty groan worthy to me ;)

I do not care for tampered DVD versions, prequels and all the rest of it..

Other than the LOTR extended's (which had some significant changes that actually affected the film on a deeper level than gloss), I wholeheartedly agree.

Moving forward...

Personally I would really love to see them make some Star Wars films not directly related to the main storyline. I read an article the other day about Zack Snyder trying to get a movie off the ground that would follow the same plot line of Seven Samurai but with Jedi. Though now it is being said it was just a rumor and that it isnt happening, I personally think this is really where Star Wars can go. Think, what has been the best thing to come out of the Star Wars franchise for the past decade, Expanded universe works. The Old Republic games were awesome (though the MMO was a bit lacking), the Clone Wars series was genius and some of the books and comics can be the most darkest and thought provoking material you can find in all of Star Wars. Star Wars in my mind stopped being just the films a while ago. Much like Lord of the Rings there is a whole expanded universe surronding it giving the story a much richer and vibrant history than any other franchise. So stop making films about the main storyline, they did it once and it sucked and no matter what you do we are never going to like them as much as the originals! So stop trying to recreate what they had and use the universe to its full potential.

... this is what I'd love to see ^. Exploration of the depth of what is on offer. The Star Wars universe was always presented in a really shallow way, with the characters taking center stage, and I'd love to see them develop the movies away from the central/original story saga.

At least I can finally put to rest the image of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg arse-raping Storm Troopers and Indiana Jones.

That image will be inevitably replaced by that of the reanimated corpse of Walt doing the same to George in return....

How d'you like it now, bitch!?

Nooo! You're not my daddy!!
Hmmmm. I guess I would focus on his "made by committee" point. Yeah, being made by committee would likely not be a improvement. But I think J.J. Abrams has said that Disney is sensitive to that fear, and says it's committed to giving them room. Who knows.