Not interested in your political ignorance.

Please cancel my account. I cannot find a way to do so.
And stuff you politics where the sun don't shine.
If you're refering to the indienews account - it is a bot that posts articles from other websites.
The thread content does not necessarily reflect the views of indietalk. it's outside articles.
I assume this was about the Shortbus post. I try to keep an open mind to the opinions of others, but I doubt even 1% of us want to hear about how gay porn drug orgies are the "real movies". I am relieved that it's not indietalk staff writing all those articles, because now that I know it's a robot I can say this - at least one of the news sources is written by a brainwashed halfwit. I have nothing against any race, sex, or orientation, but I'm sick of hearing people present their ideological opinions as "news". Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I don't support censorship, but presenting opinions as facts has been the core factor in degenerating the conversation on both sides of the isle, news is supposed to be factual. Post anything you like as an opinion, but when you mark it as news, that's something different. I would note to mods that the news feed does come off as representing the views of the site, even if that's not the case. Maybe just a small disclaimer would help to mitigate that, if you don't want the random opinions of journalists being perceived as the bent of the site at large. You can see that that is exactly what has just happened here.

And since it's geckopollis last day, and we're talking about being offended, I think geck wrote the most offensive post I've ever read on this forum. The one about how they would burn 1.5 million dollars in a trash can because they got 2 million dollars to make a half million dollar film. To me, it's a story about 1 incompetent idiot defrauding another incompetent idiot, and then bragging as they waste enough money to fund 15 films by talented artists that literally never get a single chance in their life. Read the room. If you have no idea what to do with a film budget, you probably shouldn't be the only person in the room that actually gets one. There are so many people here that have the baseline competence required to use an expanded budget to improve a film. I would imagine that almost everyone on this site would at least be smart enough to dump the surplus funding into marketing, thus improving both their own and their investors chance of ROI.
The post should not have been removed. It was not offensive or too political.

And I don't think you should cancel his account. If he is so offended by
reading an opinion he disagrees with he can be an adult and simply not
Jesus... I rarely agree with anyone when it comes to POLITICS but again... Jesus... It's POLITICS. Who cares? I don't even know what the post had in it. I just can't help getting involved because of the guy's MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY I AM ALWAYS RIGHT AND IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ME YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE mentality.

I think directorik is right... Maybe best NOT to delete his account because think about it... HE HAS TO COME BACK. We are his MINIONS. LOLOLOLOL. He probably has no other platform to point out his way or the highway.
The post should not have been removed. It was not offensive or too political.

And I don't think you should cancel his account. If he is so offended by
reading an opinion he disagrees with he can be an adult and simply not
To be fair, no one actually asked for the post to be removed. This isn't a story of people trying to censor each other.

The guy read something he didn't like, and he ran away, sounds like he already took your advice.

I think it's pretty standard to be able to unsubscribe from a website you don't like, mainly because of push notifications, email alerts and the like.