The closing credits to The Wall?
@EW: I don't even know what the clue was...You've got me thinking The Apartment, but that's black and white too... I'm guessing that it might be a Marilyn Monroe movie then? Gentlemen Prefer Blondes? Or is it another Billy Wilder? The only thing I can think of earlier than Some Like It Hot is Sabrina...
EW: Breakfast at Tiffany's?
I want to say Superman Two (the fight scene where Supes gets crunched by the bus)
You guys have been dancing around it
Nick got quite close. It has both to do with Wilder AND Monroe.
@Everyone else: Stumped. Thinking.
The Seven Year Itch???...I'm just trying to think of Monroe movies.
I couldn't resist...This one no one will know. It's from my short Im working on
Get Charley?
My new one:
Is that Rick Flare at center ring?? (...) those are the Von Erics?? Thunderbirds or whatever they were called.
Is that Rick Flare at center ring??........WOOOOOH!!the nature boy
No I be those are the Von Erics?? Thunderbirds or whatever they were called. They're from Dallas. I should know this
"Bodyslam: The Movie"?
No. In fact, the movie is not a wrestling film.
It's the opening scene of The Highlander. Before he has the fight in the garage.
Why do we have to use an url to submit images. Or am missing something???
Next one:
You can link the image from any host you like. is a good free site for hosting images. Also, it helps if you don't give an obvious name to the image file that people can just view "properties" on.You could also upload an image as an attachment, too, being an orange like us