This isn't true. I'm an atheist, but regardless, there's no fact in your statement depicting that any number of people are turning towards Science over Religion for explanation of any detail of their existence. It's simply not true.
It depneds on the individual.
I know of a math professor who believes he has math theroms to prove that there is no god.
Back to the story . . .
Humans have limited senses. Cyborgs are better engineered. They see more, hear more, smell more, and taste more. In this story, the last two senses were developed over the last 20 years as it picks up 20 years later than the first. So, cyborgs can more positively ID something than a human.
Humans believe the "human" before them is just a woman who looks like Artemis and must be on drugs to believe that she is the goddess. An Amazon Colonel even asks Artemis what was she smoking to believe that she is the Artemis of myth? Artemis just laughs. She doesn't even try to change the Amazon's mind. She wants humans to be self reliant, where they don't have to depend on her.
The cyborgs can more positively ID Artemis as the Artemis in ancient paintings, sculptures, and stories. The cyborgs and their ship Andromeda that has AI, see even deeper that Artemis is like a living intelligent white hole of unlimited radiant energy in her true form who only chooses to look human.
Artemis was a big diety in the ancient world. And on googling Artemis, I discovered some web sites call her the goddess of 10,000 names from the ancient world.
Back to the story . . .
I have her connected to multiple worlds as their goddess. How can she be on so many worlds?
She travels from one world to another and spends time there before moving on to another. Once in a while, she goes back to one she started life on to see how it has progressed.
That's how, in this series of stories, she was on Earth and Delta Four.
Science and Astronomy . . .
I don't know if you follow science and astronomy, but in the last few years Class M planets like Earth have been discovered in neighboring solar systems. That means life beyond our solar system.
Dr. Kaku's string theory is very interesting for people interested in time travel and parellel universes.