My advice? Surrender!

Soooo.... let's get this straight.
  • Liza makes a fiendishly painful razor-embedded slicing device of doom.
  • Liza says, "Why don't you fly on down to Florida to test it out... in person?"
  • Coot says, "Sounds like a swell idea to me!"

Was nice knowing you, Coot. :tear:
hahaha... no it was like, I'm going on vacation to FL, why don't I stay a couple extra days and hang out with Liza... Then ITOOFC came up and I said why not make that film together.
She said yes and the rest is the progress you'll be able to see online. Everything but the story that is....
Well hey if you are around Tampa, say hi!

Story concept is complete
Scripting will be tomorrow
3 of my 4 locations secured (I am hoping to get a ship)
All actors and crew except one (The Main Baddy)
I am way too excited right now!

This is a great place!
Coot's got the cross-country locations, Eddie's getting a ship?! :huh:

I hope my simple little single non-exotic location will still be good enough to win the day. ;)
I will be filmming starting next Saturday and Sunday the 1st and 2nd (small scenes, pick up shots etc.)
Then the following weekend the 8th and 9th, (The "Main Scene") soooo, anytime that I am not working during the week.
I've got the concept down.. I think.
Shooting a week, Monday. Hmmm. Don't have anything lined up, but going on the ol' theory: If you schedule it, they will come.
Any Toronto folks want to jump in, give me a shout at
Lemme see... got a DoP lined up... two actors confirmed, writer is writing, director is at the "visualizing stages".... worried about "the knife"... no way to beat Coot there- dang that's a knife!

Hmmm.. there'll be something from my end- can't guarantee quality, but rest assured.. there will be someting!

After a few days of "cop-out syndrome" where Perfect Sandwich II was a possibility, we will not be making any sequels this month. It would have been about the dead chef, and the knife would have been of the butter variety... but I've got a different idea for this one- hopefully very horror-oriented. We'll see. It's 3:30am.. back from the bar, I am.. to sleep I must go...

Zen likes goat-cheese.
Zen likes goat-cheese.

I don't know about the cheese... you got the rest right, though.


I'm not filming 'til the 15th. :cool:

That enough of a headstart for the rest of you?


Who has a composer yet, btw?

The "Best Score" award is a pretty decent title. I already know my film will be winning that too, but I'd like to know who's going to be trying :rolleyes: to strip that away.


Right now I'm so confident that my entry will win, that I'm buying stock in Kleenex tissue.

Sales will spike when the :cry: of the losers inevitably begins.

Beg to differ?
I didn't think so. :coffee:
Zensteve said:
Who has a composer yet, btw?

The "Best Score" award is a pretty decent title. I already know my film will be winning that too, but I'd like to know who's going to be trying :rolleyes: to strip that away.


Zensteve said:
I already know my film will be trying ...

I'm so confident that I'm buying stock in Kleenex tissue.

Sales will spike when the :cry: of the losers inevitably begins.

I have someone signed on to score the flic. I'm glad that Zen is investing in something other than his film. I'm glad he realizes that he's going to need a lot of Kleenix and that it's inevitable that he'll lose.

You must have been seeing a therapist Zen. Looks like you've learned that you have to accept what you are and embrace it. I'm glad you're accepting the fact that you'll be a loser. :yes: Or is it that you're accepting the fact that you already are a loser :yes:

CootDog=winner, Winner, WINNER!!!
Poke said:
Is that your knife? Giving Coot a run for his money I see.


I am hoping the story carries the knife, not the other way around.

I believe however Coot has a baddass knife and my knife would not only have ran but would have been crying at the same time :cry: :scared: :bow: