My advice? Surrender!

Can't hack it

Zensteve said:
No real posters from me

Yes, we know, no competition there.

Spatula said:
a consolation prize

If you think the poster competition is not up to your standards as a prize, you don't have to enter.

I understand that you're scared and afraid but just because you can't hack it, doesn't mean that degrading the contest will help you. :lol:
Zensteve said:
To paraphrase Mr T. , "I pity the foo' who mess wi' the Zen."

One good Mr.T quote deserves another,

"Don't gimme none of that jibber-jabber, Zen. I believe in the Golden Rule — The Man with the Gold . . . Rules."
-Mr. T

(another interesting Mr.T quote- "As a kid, I got three meals a day. Oatmeal, miss-a-meal and no meal.")
CootDog said:
If you think the poster competition is not up to your standards as a prize, you don't have to enter.

I understand that you're scared and afraid but just because you can't hack it, doesn't mean that degrading the contest will help you. :lol:

Oh, Coot, I wasn't referring to poster contest- I was referring to ALL of the contest! (AKA - Zen will loose!)

But since you bring it up.... :evil:

Perhaps I cannot "hack" it as well as yourself, but forgive me- I have not been a "hack" for as long as you!

Well, at least you'll have a nifty new shaving utensil when this is done and over... :P
"Best Taunt Ever"

Spatula said:
Perhaps I cannot "hack" it as well as yourself, but forgive me- I have not been a "hack" for as long as you!

Well, at least you'll have a nifty new shaving utensil when this is done and over... :P

That's my vote for the "Best Taunt Ever" :yes:
Things are exactly as planned, so far. :cool:

Lost three crew (aside from the DP) to paying gigs on the weekend we shoot. Script was tossed last night and a new one hammered out. Suffering from lackus hottus chickus: a terrible condition to have in a movie. Still short one actor, with 5 days 'til we film...

...but we'll still be winning this thing.
Zensteve said:
Suffering from lackus hottus chickus: a terrible condition to have in a movie.

You live in California and you can't find ONE "hottus chickus" who wants to be in a movie?!? You're worse off than I thought, Zen...
I shot the major scene over the weekend. Took us over 9 hours of preperation and shooting to get the two minutes 20 seconds and 2 frames of film and sound that I wanted. I had a great crew. The best talent in people that I call friends. I am ready to shoot the final scene tonight and start getting all the footage together for a great movie.

Things I had to deal with so far.
1. The main actor not being available after this week and not available until 1 day before the end of the competition.
2. Change of location at the last minute for the majore scene.
3. The second character actor not being available until and only last Saturday. (although he is available for ADR in the next few weeks.
4. My lighting blowing out and and trying to find a suitable light souce and having that one blow out.
5. Mosquitos (lots of them and non-union too)
6. No story boards complete.

I have had the time of my life with doing this and I am grateful to even attempt to make something for this competition. I know it will be great and I hope everyone enjoys it.
Soon I will show some type of trailer. :)
EddieLeonardo said:
Soon I will show some type of trailer. :)

As a reminder (on behalf of head-judge Poke)--

All movie-makers for the competition should keep your project under wraps (that also means no trailers) until after the final deadline.

When you complete your movie, upload it to the webspace you have available and then send a PRIVATE MESSAGE to Poke and/or IndieTalk with the link to your movie. Do not post the link to your movie in this thread (or the official rules thread). This is to keep the competition fair. After the deadline, Poke will release a thread with links to all of the movies, along with a voting box so you can pick your favorite.

If you are not familiar with Private Messaging, just ask and someone will help you out!

Good luck everyone!
Last edited:
Corrects himself

Soon I will have a trailer to show my friends and family

/ Correcting himself

Thanks John for the reminder that could have been bad if ZenSteve would have to steal my hottus chickus for his film! ;)
Shooting wrapped!
Editing begins today!
Looking at the footage, it's really good! Hope the plot works out ok... hehe

We shot half on a DVX100a (yeah!) and half on a Sony TRV-25. I highly recommend the DVX100a- it is a beautiful, beautiful camera.

Will I get the early-bird this year?
Can you stop me in time?
Go ahead.. try! :D
I am all scheduled to shoot on sunday. Everything is in place except...... a friggin location!!! Every time I find a place that will work I get rejected and I only have three criteria

power source (plenty of extension cords)
privatly owned (don't have time to deal with permits)

the last property owner I spoke to was all ready to go untill she found out it was a zombie flick. She said "oh my, zombies. I don't think I am really comfortable with that." :rolleyes: Isn't it fun living in the Bible belt. This is probably the woman that headed up the last anti harry potter rally.

Wonder how she would have felt about the sordid, steamy and very graphic interspecies sex scene the we had originally planned. :lol:

Otherwise I am finding that most people are not only willing to help but they are eager to help. Zombies and all.

Happy shooting,

PS. Thyme, basil??? A change of seasoning??? Is that best you can do Zensteve??? Apparently you have been spending a little too much time in the herb garden.:hmm:
If you want to travel up to MN, I can get my dad in contact with you. He lives on a few acres of woods, has power and is an actor as well. PM me if you want to consider this.
you have been spending a little too much time in the herb garden. :hmm:

I have no idea what you're talking about....


Less than 3 weeks left to complete something, good Briceman. Better start working on it double-time.


Spat & Eddie have both finished shooting? Productive weekends, mosquitos or no.
Goo dluck with that location, Mikey. :)

Cibao... dooooooooo iiiiiiiiit!!!!! :yes:
Yeah, no kidding... no time! Plus, I've got to film an entry to the Food Network Star competition this week too! Plus, the feature documentary I am working on! WOW! I'll have to make a thirty second film or something... Where can I view entries, and winners from the other competitions?