My advice? Surrender!

WideShot said:
Whos judging?

Pfft... I'm entering! No need for judging the best from the rest. :weird:

Well... maybe there ought to be a few. Just for the rubberstamping, mind you. ;)






There's one more "confirmed" and one other "maybe" that still haven't posted yet. I can't list them 'til they do.


Here's your chance, people... Been looking for an excuse to get off your duff and start doing?

Take my rightful title away... I dare ya.

cibao said:

Don't make fun of me this time. :no:

WideShot said:
Whos judging?

That's for me to know and you to know later.

Boz Uriel said:
Friday, what time? I NEED to know!!! I've GOT to know!!! If ZS get's the nfo before I do I'll loose for sure!!!

That's an unknown at this moment. I may be working Friday night, thus pushing the announcement time to late, but I will let you know as the day nears.

Easily Vanquished said:
Friday, what time? I NEED to know!!! I've GOT to know!!! If ZS get's the info before I do I'll lose for sure!!!

Would be handy to know, yes...

...though I doubt having the info will help your chances. Let me put this into perspective.
  • Your film is a Superman? Mine will be its Kryptonite.
  • Your film is a King Kong? Mine will be its Fay Wray.
  • Your film is a Titanic? Mine will be its iceberg.

I'm retaining Bobby "The Brain" Heenan as my advisor, for all challenger communications. He'll be in touch.

Anyone up for some smack-talk? It's just not possible to beat me!
Zensteve said:
Anyone up for some smack-talk? It's just not possible to beat me!

Smack yes! When your film gets smacked-down, you'll be smacking yourself so much your smacks will fall right off. Smack on.
LOL @ Poke

Wow, some really tart candy going around these days huh. :D Here's mine...

Smack you, you smack! You smacking think you make me smacking worry one smacking bit with your smack? I was a sailor! I lived smack for four smacking years and all through the first smacking gulf war! You think you got smack you smack, SMACK YOU smack-boy! My prediction - smack. Lots and lots of smack.

Hey what's that growth on your face? Oh it's your camera, sorry, looked like a zit there for a second.
Eh, yeah, so am I. As a matter of fact the screening was last night. Yeah, that's it. My wife Morgan Fairchild showed up with that bag from the Old Navy comercials. Yeah, that's right, I made those too.
I've just returned in my Tardis from the future to check on who won the various categories...

Sorry guys and gals. I made a clean sweep. :cool:

You might still have a chance of beating me, mind you...

in an alternate universe, that is!
What you all have to realize is that the winner from the last competition was not me.
The ONLY reason is because I didn't enter.

So ZainySteve you might as well pack your bags and go back to the future. I'll beat you when I get there too.

Sit back, Relax and watch.. because that's all you'll be able to do when my film blows yours away. You're will be at the starting gate when mine is standing in the winning circle.
Blows with the force of a hurricane as it spins and wins.
You'll be standing there with a dirty chin blasted by the wind.
Then I'll grin knowing that I didn't have to sin to win.
You're just a has-been.