Low Budget Challenge

I was looking through the forums, and noticed that a lot of people wanted to make a low budget film, to get some simple experience.

But a lot of them didn't have a script or idea to start with. So I wrote this little script that shouldn't cost much to make.

Here's the Challenge. Pure directing. I'm wondering which low budget filmmaker can produce the best acted version of this. Submission deadline, sept 1. Prize. Mid level CG intro sequence for your next project. (about a 2k value)

Here's the script.

cop pulls over a car on the highway


Cop: Hello sir, do you know why I pulled you over?

Driver: Because only cops are allowed to pull people over? If one of the other drivers had pulled me over, that would have been a lot more unexpected

Cop: I mean do you know what traffic law you were breaking? Do you know how fast you were going?

Driver: I assume I was going the same speed as my car.

Cop: Do the plates on this car belong to this car?

Driver: you mean, like, in the metaphorical sense?

Cop: You think you're funny son?

A No, I don't think so. This girl lauged at one of my jokes once, but she had scoliosis, so I don't think it counts.

Cop: Have you been drinking sir?

A Oh yes, a pretty good amount.

Cop:what have you been drinking?

A caffine supplement

Cop: Excuse me

A You know, energy drinks that supplement your body's missing caffine and bull urine.

Cop:Is the drink you're describing alchoholic?

A I mean, It can be, you just add alcohol. Personally I find that to be true of a great many drinks. I think the real point of no return is when you're drink is already alchoholic, you can't make it more so by adding additional alchohol. If a glass of mixed drink is already full of alchohol, but still needs more, that glass of alchohol has a disease and should be taken to an aa meeting to avoid being drunk.

Cop:what's that sound coming from your trunk?

A That's not my trunk

Cop:you mind if I check the trunk son?

A is that code? If you want to siphon gas, just say so. I'll put out my special cigarette.

Cop: What's so special about your cigarette?

A it's from the texaco station.

Cop: I'm gonna go ahead and check out the trunk

A Be careful

Cop: Any reason I should be careful?

A Traffic.

footsteps and trunk opening

Cop: holy mary mother of god

into radio: were gonna need some backup, I 110 shoulder car 155

Cop yelling: Sir get out of the car, get out of the car right now, hands on top of the vehicle

car door opening

Cop freakout: aggresive suspect, I repeat aggresive suspect, possibly armed

Driver: I'm just getting out of the car like you asked, why did you do that diving roll? Whats with the gun?

Cop: Suspect verbally resisting arrest. Evasive manuevers. sound of cop rolling across hood.

Tazer sound

Into radio: Suspect was reaching for something in his right front jean pocket, possibly a machine gun or something else to murder me with. I've shot him in the neck with a tazer to make sure no one gets hurt here.

Struggle sounds

Cop: get down, get down, hands behind your back

Other police cars arriving with sirens on.

car doors opening, lots of yelling, 5 more tazer sounds.

Driver: I was just getting my ID like you asked, I think my arm is broken.

Cops screaming: shutup, shutup, down on the ground

scene goes quiet. Switch to interview of cops by camera crew afterwards

Interviewer: So what happened out there?

Cop: We encountered an agressive suspect out in the field, he tried to joke around with me, which is usually a sign of criminal activity. When went to check his trunk the report came back over the radio on his plates, We came across an unpaid parking ticket from 4 years ago. So, you know this gentlemen has made a concious decision to flaunt the law. Going from there we can only assume that he is willing to break any law and has. There's also a huge statistical correlation between people with small infractions that cops later label as violent, based on that that, I have to immediately assume this guy is violent and label him as such.

Interviewer: was anything in the trunk?

cop: There was a tire iron, it's a makeshift weapon a lot of car owners carry around for purposes of aggrevated assault. It'll be entered into evidence, we'll file a charge of conspiricy to commit aggrevated assult.

Interviewer: Why would you do that?

Cop: Well, since we can't physically prove what we know will happen in the future, that charge will just get dropped. The way we do it is that we charge you with 3 times as many crimes as you commit, then the prosecuter offers you a 66 percent off deal, where the two made up charges dissapear and all you have to do is serve the full sentence for whatever crime we say you commited. Then if a criminal is stupid enough to claim innocence like this guy probably will, then he has to risk 3-4 times the sentance for his actual crime, as punishment for pretending to be innocent.

Interviewer: And you don't feel like there was any exessive force used, or that he was cooperating enough for the interaction to stay verbal

Cop: It's no more excessive than what we use to respond to anyone. The main thing is to keep the cops safe. when there's just 6 armed guys and a chopper out here with me, I feel threatened by individual unarmed pedestrians, kind of alone you know

The important thing here is that we were all in mortal danger, and the heroic actions of our officers in the face of danger probably saved a lot of lives. The important thing is that no one got hurt.

Other cop: hey let's hit the bar then drive home, I'm buying

Muffled voice of driver being drug away on the pavement: Someone get my toof, it rolled under my wife's car.
I like it. But right away I think, "Where am I going to get several cop cars
and uniforms and find a location where I can do this on the street?"

But it is a fun script. Too bad I can't afford to take the challenge. I hope
people do - I would love to see different interpretations of this script.
I don't have the budget for cop uniform + accouterments, taser, and cop cars.
However, I'm plenty stocked up on smart a$$es.

Reads like a SNL skit.

I really like the idea of a low budget challenge but I think that this is a.) Too constraining and b.) Too difficult.

The prize is great though, I just don't know how I'd even begin to do this...
About budgeting

Really what you need here is

1 a 30 dollar siren you can stick on top of a "plainclothes car"

2 some cheapo cop uniforms from a costume store

3 anything that looks like a tazer, which looks like a black rectangle

4 another car

5 footage of a multi cop stop. To blur as a background for the interview.

Past that just worry about line delivery
Really what you need here is

1 a 30 dollar siren you can stick on top of a "plainclothes car"

2 some cheapo cop uniforms from a costume store

3 anything that looks like a tazer, which looks like a black rectangle

4 another car

5 footage of a multi cop stop. To blur as a background for the interview.

Past that just worry about line delivery


I live in London and don't own a car or have a driver's license. In order to film this on a road I'd probably have to shoot somewhere outside of the city which means finding cars, finding and transporting actors, dealing with production design...etc and then finally I can get round to the directing.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I think it's a great challenge. It's just that for my, and I'm guessing a fair few other people's, current position it's going to be a heck of a lot of work.

I think, and feel free to shoot me in the face, a better 'low budget challenge' would be slightly more free form- something that could, hypothetically, be shot with one person, one actor, one camera or a crew of 20, a cast of a 100 and 50 3D cameras. I just think that this is too constraining for me and that I couldn't possibly produce something of sufficient quality...

Just thoughts...
Well, if anyone is interested, here's one cheap way to do it. Sound is what will pull it off.

Minimum 3 actors. Driver, Cop and Interviewer.

Shoot from inside the car as the driver is driving. Have red and blue lights flash inside the car (add the whoop whoop sound) and have the driver stop.

From there you can move into a parking lot or your driveway. Have a sound track with highway cars passing in the bg. Show cop against the sky from an intimidating low angle so you dont have to show the highway. Show passenger close up from a high angle and get only the car interior in the bg. Film.

When cop goes for the trunk, just keep the camera on the drivers face and show his surprised reactions. When driver is forced to get out of car, just keep the camera in car and we just hear what is going on offscreen.

Cut to interviewer looking at camera with the cop next to him/her. Bg can be trees by the side of the road so you can film it in a convenient location. Just keep the audio track of the highway playing. The rest of the characters can be just heard off screen and we can watch the reactions of the interviewer and cop to them.

Or just be Lucas and greenscreen everything.
I think the story I co-wrote with Anel just a bit ago might be an even lower budget challenge.

- 4 actors
- car
- after hours garage or gas station

For my next challenge: 10 minute short of a protagonist sitting on the couch.
The next challenge: two cell phones in 69 position talking to each other.
The subsequent challenge: Found footage of a video camera with the lens cap still on as a guy begs for phone sex!

Oh, h3ll! I could do this all evening.

Fifth challenge: My kids "sniper shooting" cars driving by with their water guns.
Six: Changing the light bulb.
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Sound is what will pull it off.

Minimum 3 actors. Driver, Cop and Interviewer.

This is the right idea. remember, this isn't going to be in theaters, go ahead and used a blurred crime scene sequence from law and order or CSI behind your cop for the interview. All you really need is to see that there are several police cars.

Write the word COP on a white t shirt and have the guy wear a motorcycle helmet. I doubt that would prevent the film from being funny.

Einstien says, always keep the main thing the main thing
DRIVER is now HUSBAND in bed
COP is now WIFE

Bam, everyone's staying in the house.


Bam, I just hafta wiggle my fingers. :lol:
This game is on like Donkey Kong!

Just hired my first actor, for OP's challenge.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

The rest of the cast require some re-stringing, but are gtg. :cool:

Pretty sure I can make the deadline of September 1st.

Might have to call in a few favors (both here on IT, and irl) to make this happen.

Let the surreal begin! :abduct:
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That is awesome beyond belief.

Also, think i responded to your last pm, might have botched it though? I might have not hit the send button, lol.
Hello all

I was just about to post that you could do it with sock puppets, when I saw Steve's post.

Hi David, post any challenge you want! (on another thread)

The form is a free for all, wouldn't have it any other way.

About the challenge, just go on the assumption that no one here has a spare police cruiser in their garage, and that any really creative thing you do will probably be competitive.

I think the biggest challenge in this script is how the lines are delivered, comic timing, etc. A good costume or makeup person could add a layer of character onto what I've written and transform it into something all their own.

About the prize, I frequently have people pay me 2k for this type of thing. It's an actual 2k value, not the infomercial version where they throw in a styrofoam cup and say it's a 200 dollar value.

I just mention it becuase it's probably the largest prize available on the boards right now, and we've got like 2 guys entering.

Lastly, Steve that puppet looks awsome, I'm laughing already
DRIVER is now HUSBAND in bed
COP is now WIFE

Bam, everyone's staying in the house.


Bam, I just hafta wiggle my fingers. :lol:

Hahaha, please make this. I can promise that you'll have atleast one viewer!

This game is on like Donkey Kong!

Just hired my first actor, for OP's challenge.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

The rest of the cast require some re-stringing, but are gtg. :cool:

Pretty sure I can make the deadline of September 1st.

Might have to call in a few favors (both here on IT, and irl) to make this happen.

Let the surreal begin! :abduct:

Looking forward to it. Feel free to call in the favours.