Low Budget Challenge

I just recorded a squeaky trunk and though I'd share it with anyone needing such for this challenge or whatever else you want.

I'm trying a free online wav file hosting service for the first time, lettuce see if this works for you guys:
Trunk Unlatch Open _ Close X 2 - Base.wav - 3.08MB

Wow. Nice static hiss you may choose to edit out. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.

You got five/six things going on here for you to fiddle with in your own audio editor.
- trunk unlatching sound from inside the car cabin
- trunk unlatching from inside the trunk (in case you wanted a kidnapped point-of-sound)!
- squeaky trunk opening #1
- squeaky trunk closing #1
- squeaky trunk opening and closing #2 (just in case you think it's magically better than #1).

GL & don't poke yerr eye out. :)
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Hi Nate o/

I'm not finished with mine. Work (the kind that pays the bills) has been in the way.

I've shot principal footage, hand-drawn various background assets, recorded voices (including the lovely & talented forum-member DreadyLocks) and probably have 80% of what I need. The only thing I'm missing is time to edit.

I'll still be completing it, but it ain't gonna be in time for the deadline. :no:


That was awesome-sauce, RayW, and I have been shamed. :abduct:
Thank you, sir.
It was very educational.

A - I gotta work on planning my shots waaaaaaaaay better.
B - GD! I can't hardly tolerate my own shaky cam. LOL! Gotta work on my docu-cam. :)

Oh, yeah. I forgot to add... for this project my only direct cost was for the $10 flashlight I bought which came with a blue, green and red snap on lens. That was kind of a critical element of need. However, that will now become part of my inventory and thus an indirect cost for future projects.
The Rescue Heroes toys were found objects at home.
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Ray, that was awesome.

By the power vested in me by the film critisism degree I recieved from the University of Pheonix Online, I declare your tazer scene to be one of the defining moments in cinema history.

I was also enamored by the plasticity of your actors. The flexibility they showed in taking the whole jet car thing seriously. It's been a long time since these type of performances have been recorded, and I have to say that it's not since "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" that I've seen such emotive performances delivered in a difficult greenscreen setting.

Your use of low fi sound to emulate the french new wave cinema movement was artistically applied as well, delivering nuance and punch in a flawless blend of imaginative design and drinking at the mixing board (for soul)

Lighting and editing here are the best out of an already great package. I think it's only a matter of time until an international movement in film is started by this avalanche inducing creative direction, hereafter referred to as the "ray-gun". While the technique of shining a flashlight at the lens is not new, your bold and uncompromising use of the technique should be taught in film schools worldwide.

Loved the interspersed pictures. Bravo Sir, you are the first across the finish line.

I'd watch out for Steve though, from the looks of it, he may have something beyond unbeatable. We'll have to see all the submissions first!
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That was great, ray! :lol: Feels like something you'd see on Robot Chicken.

And did I detect the Wilhelm Scream(like, seventeen-hundred times)?
Thank you, folks for your kind & charitable words.
Please, just keep being patient with me and everything will get... betterer on subsequent projects. ;)

Bravo Sir, you are the first across the finish line.

I'd watch out for Steve though, from the looks of it, he may have something beyond unbeatable. We'll have to see all the submissions first!
The vision I have is of Ron Jeremy all hot and sweaty, no shirt and a Speedo breaking through the ribbon. It ain't pretty, but it's first!


Oh, I'm looking forward to anything more elegant than this whoopie cusion of an entry (bordering on a pisstake)!
Bring it on, Steve! Chop, chop!

Actually, without the shaky cam it wasn't gonna be so good. No movement at all.

I liked the voice :)
Yeah, somewhere between the spazticity of my epileptic cam and the dead sterility of a tripod shot buffet lies the elusive Paul Greengrass effect I'm gunnin' for.

Which voice? All three are mine and all three are notably tweaked on a voice morpher. :)

Too charitable or you're surrounded by kindegarteners. Ha!

And did I detect the Wilhelm Scream(like, seventeen-hundred times)?
Sure did!
Nice pick up!

Yeah, one is just kinda lame, and two or three is just being stupid lazy.
However, with seventeen-hundred Wilhelm screams it's just plain ridiculous, as it should be. :D

Edit update: Okay, aside from the obvious weirdness going on, I understand that it would be difficult to separate intended camp for general stupidity, but I can CLEARLY see many little things in the youtube upload that are not on my hard drive version. I dunno if it's a upload thing or what, but I've heard that there's a difference between youtube and vimeo so here it goes over there.

Comment info is C&Ped same from YT.

Lettuce see how it looks, now: (Probably still looks like stupid sh!t, but maybe less glitchy)
Edit update update: It appears it won't be ready for viewing for over an hour, so... see ya later, gator!
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I think that means that he spit some type of liquid onto his keyboard from laughing his ass off.
What a complement, Wheat!
(Maybe you can help me out on another thread? :yes: )

so what do you want your intro sequence to be for? You can also save if for later if you like.
Despite being the single entrant in this contest I greatly appreciate this prize.
It's really great.

First, I honestly don't have a big burning (preposterous) idea to lump on you right now and giddily anticipate a two day turnaround.
I hope that's cool, because I'd certainly appreciate a sensible rain check on this.

I just re-watched your samples from a couple pages back.
They look great.

So that I can better formulate a request project, what are some of the aspects involved in composing one of these?

It looks like you may (or may not) begin with some quality video, possibly create some wireframe-like perspective matching for motion synchronization thingie, then select text/font/texture/attributes, maybe do a little basic shape with movements and sometimes some masking, then animate?

Could you tell me what some of the capabilities or limitations are available?
I respect your time.
I don't wanna waste either that or the opportunity for this intro's potential.

Thank you.